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Liz Cheney Ouster Vote (relevance: 3)
by jimbo0618 on May 9 2021 10:33PM
The RePubicans are going to ouster Liz Cheney from her leadership position this Wednesday as 3rd in charge because she spoke the truth about the fake despot and prolific liar Orange Trump and the weak Repubican party! Liz obviously has more balls tha ...
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Is it just me or cant the Trump Derangement Syndrom Libatards move on? (relevance: 3)
by gordonschumway on Feb 15 2021 04:25PM
They started crying and bitching the day after the election and continue to this day...they can't let go...except maybe to fart!!!!!!
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Let’s not forget, COVID is still out there. (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Sep 8 2020 09:17AM
Well, that’s a terrible way to end the summer. Just found that two people I know have passed from COVID. I used to see them all the time at Thanksgiving. A younger guy who straightened out his life and was recently married, and his landlord. Tr ...
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Tell me what kind of music you like and I'll tell you whether it sucks or not... PART 2 (relevance: 3)
by juliuscaesar1 on Jul 28 2020 07:07PM
No Hip Hop. Oh, and Kaiser, Soft Rock SUCKS.
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Can a Conjoined twin be guilty of a felony and spend time in jail? (relevance: 3)
by gilbert33 on Jul 26 2020 02:52PM
Each twin of the Conjoined twin has their own name and government identification, driver's license.... One twin gets a weapon and attempts to kill or kills another person. Can that twin be sent to prison? You would have to send both to prison. ...
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Frustrating (relevance: 3)
by Night-Rider on Jun 19 2020 05:48PM
Why has this happened to us? The EU is beating the virus. We can't.
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What Donald Trump, Roger Stone, and Jefferey Epstein have in common (relevance: 3)
by thresher001 on Jun 13 2020 07:30PM
What What Donald Trump, Roger Stone, and Jefferey Epstein have in common? They are the true liebertarians. They all have a distinct hared and disdain to our neighbors, and their true belief is that humans are fundamentally evil. Let us pay a ...
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Blast your ass from far away (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on May 23 2020 12:29PM
The US Navy has successfully tested a ship based laser weapon that can destroy enemy aircraft in mid flight. Oh yeah! Bring on the future.
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What was OBAMA's response when the Ebola virus broke out (relevance: 3)
by DudeLebowski on May 23 2020 03:07AM
Its like night and day looking at Obama and looking at Trump. Obama had a strategy to dealing the Ebola crisis and he spoke about working "fast" to stem the spread before the virus came to our shores. This is how a real President handles a crisis. I ...
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Las Vegas reopening! (relevance: 3)
by MaddMaxx on May 14 2020 04:29PM
Vegas to open May 22nd, for Memorial Day weekend! who's going? RW
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