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Michael Bloomberg expected to enter the 2020 race (relevance: 3)
by DudeLebowski on Nov 8 2019 12:56AM
Wow.....Im not sure what this does to the race.He got a lot of money and his own media company. Hey he could manufacture and deliver he own fake news content if he wants to. lol Bloomberg is all over the map. Sometimes he's a Republican, sometimes ...
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Don Jr on The View (relevance: 3)
by jammerman on Nov 7 2019 11:35AM
He put the lib Hags and their propaganda Networks in their place. Hillaryarious. Google it for the details
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Adam Schiff Bobblehead Night (relevance: 3)
by jammerman on Oct 24 2019 07:32AM
The most realistic Bobblehead of all time will be given to the fans in D.C. tomorrow night. The prototype will sit in for theHomo when it is on the rag. In other words every day. It is expected to be more productive and waste less taxpayer revenue
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Gas Sky high (relevance: 3)
by Angelababy on Oct 15 2019 03:21PM
How come Gas �� Price sky high in California, somewhere 5 up to 6 , unbelievable but it has happened. And rental hotel go up also ����� Thinking about escape California, but I love California ...
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California just passed a law that allows college athletes to get paid (relevance: 3)
by DudeLebowski on Sep 30 2019 12:18PM
Its about fucking time. The NCAA and colleges have been taking advantage of college athletes for way too long raking in millions of dollars and the athlete gets none of it. I don't know how this is going to work in other states or even how its goin ...
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Lightbulbs you muthas!!! (relevance: 3)
by Harpooner on Sep 9 2019 07:05PM
The Trump administration is rolling back requirements for more efficient light bulbs. That means higher electrical usage, higher energy bills, and more money spent replacing lightbulbs. They can take our lightbulbs, but they’ll never take our freed ...
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This Guy is Dumber Than a Turnip (relevance: 3)
by Harpooner on Sep 3 2019 09:29PM
Trump tweets “In addition to Florida - South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama, will most likely be hit (much) harder than anticipated.” The National Weather Service had to issue a statement to the people of Alabama that they woul ...
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Donald Trump is not America's first Racist President! (relevance: 3)
by coolhotavi50 on Jul 17 2019 11:15PM
Great Article.... Good to learn about American History... and the fact History repeats itself... sometimes
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Scientologists (relevance: 3)
by TheWickedWitch on Apr 28 2019 10:23PM
Are out there! Pushy to recruit. Scary too... The Lyft driver lady was anyways... Hoping they aren't all like that. What a trip!
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One Black Woman! (relevance: 3)
by jimbo0618 on Feb 27 2019 02:41PM
There needs to be a serious discussion about race in America especially when the Republicans/ Mark Meadows have one black woman that work for the Trump Organization speak for all Black people that Trump is not a racist! Clearly he is a racist and thi ...
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