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this black chick (from espn) (relevance: 6)
by InsearchofStarfish on Oct 8 2021 12:36AM
always gave me a lil wood...guess she is half though probably looking for her to making her way over to FOX at some point :) nice quip about obama and his blackness btw....big sky started season two...very cute black chick think I' ...
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Is it just me...or is Beijing Biden and his cunt wife mask hypocrites? (relevance: 6)
by gordonschumway on May 5 2021 06:54PM
The fucking wear masks outside...and will continue to do so...leading me to believe that the vaccine doesn't need for a mas...however...they go indoors with the social distancing and NO fucking masks...what the fuck ...
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Electric vehicles? (relevance: 6)
by lamar on Apr 26 2021 08:18PM
Who own an electric vehicle? How satisfied are you with your recharging time and driving range between recharging? To me the automobile manufacturer still have a ways to go to get me intrested. Other states may soon follow the lead of California a ...
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Chemistry (relevance: 6)
by Harpooner on Feb 7 2021 02:02PM
That illusive, hard to define thing that happens for inexplicable reasons. But when it happens, there’s nothing better. Best chemistry I’ve ever experienced here was with RoxyPiper. Man, that woman must have a PhD in chemistry. Another is Mrs ...
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Parler's CEO Fired By The Board Cos He Can't Get Anyone To Carry It; Haha Now Where Will You Guys Go (relevance: 6)
by SonOfAdams on Feb 4 2021 11:45PM
If that wasn't enough, that stupid My Pillow guy was drowned out by one of the Newsmax hosts for rambling on & on about the lection being stolen. The conclusion of Newsmax--which you lunatics said was better than Fox (too liberal for you)--is the th ...
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Trump conceded (relevance: 6)
by upsilon on Jan 7 2021 05:20PM
You chicken out when you could have gotten your buddy killed. You will not know what your buddy Pence will do to you.
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Libtard Woman vs Republican Woman (relevance: 6)
by Angler1 on Oct 30 2020 10:44PM
Who do you prefer?
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Supreme Court 2 (relevance: 6)
by KaiserSoce on Sep 22 2020 01:17PM
Quat, Repubs used the system that was in place. The Dems did it with impeachment. They had the majority so they shut the Repubs out of the process until the hearings and the vote. It’s politics. The reason for lifetime appointments is to take th ...
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White guilt (relevance: 6)
by BlueBalz on Jun 7 2020 10:53PM
Be careful highly contagious . It’s spreading faster than COVID-19
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What was OBAMA's response when the Ebola virus broke out (relevance: 6)
by DudeLebowski on May 23 2020 03:07AM
Its like night and day looking at Obama and looking at Trump. Obama had a strategy to dealing the Ebola crisis and he spoke about working "fast" to stem the spread before the virus came to our shores. This is how a real President handles a crisis. I ...
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