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homeless (relevance: 6)
by heliman on May 16 2020 12:12AM
Federal judge says to house the homeless. They take better care of these people than those that are out of work and who want to work.
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democrats (relevance: 6)
by heliman on May 2 2020 11:34PM
Do you believe in their way of thinking?
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Useful puppets (relevance: 6)
by Mr.Horndog on Jan 23 2020 10:41PM
Trump likely withheld aid from Ukraine as a way of thanking Putin for help with the brainwashing propaganda his countrymen provided that helped him get elected. A Ukraine without aid makes the Russians stronger and is of no benefit to Americans. W ...
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California is the real problem not Trump (relevance: 6)
by gilbert33 on Dec 29 2019 09:54AM
I have written before that all you morons who constantly whine about Trump is missing what is going on in California. Here is an example. A group of homeless mothers who took over a vacant house in West Oakland last month filed court document ...
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Great AMERICAN City of Baltimore (relevance: 6)
by coolhotavi50 on Jul 28 2019 10:17PM
Yesterday Trump called out the Maryland congressman Elijah Cummings,and Blamed him for "disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess." Funny thing is in 2015 , He blamed Then President Obama for same thing but now since He is President, he is not to b ...
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I apologize. (relevance: 6)
by jazz51 on Jun 1 2018 02:28PM
I would like to issue a formal apology for posting a picture regarding the Roseanne Barr Valerie Jarrett incident. It was in bad taste and I was trying to be funny, but it was insensitive given the circumstances. It was not ever intended to be ra ...
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better and better for investigation (relevance: 6)
by InsearchofStarfish on May 15 2018 01:05AM
oleg deripaska could come back to bite mueller on the ass
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2:43 !!! Yes (relevance: 6)
by MUNK on Jul 24 2017 03:17PM
8-} thank you ������
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Oscars this weekend (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Feb 24 2017 07:36AM
How excited are you about this year's Award's show and the whiners, I mean potential winners?
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Happy Leo Season! (relevance: 3)
by DahliaLove on Jul 23 2024 12:48PM
"Today the sun returns to its home sign, reminding us to return to hour hearts, our joy, and the very things that hold us together. The world needs you- because there is no one on the planet like you. Your uniqueness is your power, and Leo is here to ...
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