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I predict Tuesday night tears (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Oct 29 2020 06:06AM
For half of you guys. Me, I’m going to throw a steak on the grill... and flip back and forth between FONEWS and CNN to watch the meltdown. I’m hoping Trump wins just because I think it might be possible Van Jones literally offs himself live ...
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Trump desperately criss crosses multiple states to win them back while Biden can afford to campaign (relevance: 3)
by SonOfAdams on Oct 28 2020 11:22AM
Watch President Trump, running scared, having to criss cross the country in a desperate last attempt to win back states he won last time but is losing now. Polls show Americans are angered by his maskless rallies--which keep spreading the virus--mean ...
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Fact Checking the Debate (relevance: 3)
by rizzo on Oct 23 2020 03:30AM
For those that are interested:
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Thanksgiving 2020 (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Oct 22 2020 03:18PM
Do you have plans yet? Going to all and local, or preparing a feast for surviving current conditions. And for those of you who are preparing a feast, are you cooking or hiring? One of my tenants has hit me up for turkey tamales orders.
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Pandering by Biden (relevance: 3)
by jazz51 on Oct 1 2020 01:14PM
Come on man!!!! I highly doubt this word is in his regular vocabulary. Joe used a Muslim word in his exchange with Trump. Inshallah Yep, Joe. Keep up the pandering to the special interest groups. Somehow a 'dude from Scranton' would ...
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Leading cause of bush fires in California. (relevance: 3)
by NPembrush on Sep 11 2020 02:17PM
Dry pussy. Always make sure that pussy stays wet.
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LA county pub health director dr barbara ferrer (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Sep 11 2020 02:35AM
in meeting with school nurses, school admin and medical professionals about the 2min mark of tape....she says won't realistically open schools until after the elections
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Jason Whitlock calls Labron james a bigot (relevance: 3)
by Atticus_Finch on Sep 1 2020 09:21PM
Wow a sports writer/commentator calls out lbj and calls him a bigot. Amazing! Atticus Finch
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Unprecedented amount of lying by Trump (relevance: 3)
by Sly69 on Aug 24 2020 02:17PM
Anyone with an ounce of objectivity and a willingness to fact check Trump can't deny that he is a pathological liar in chief. It is just beyond doubt. They have lost count how many lies, mis-representations and half truths he has told. Its just st ...
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Republicans opposing Trump (relevance: 3)
by Sly69 on Aug 24 2020 01:26PM
Holy crap. I knew the list was growing almost daily but I had no idea how many current and former Republicans stalwarts were rejecting Trump until I did a search. Just too numerous to list here but click on the link and scroll down if you care. The ...
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