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Southbay LAX (relevance: 3)
by BlueBalz on Dec 10 2022 07:47PM
It’s a dead zone …..
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DR. Peter McCullough confirms majority of Covid deaths are in the vaccinated (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Sep 4 2022 05:53PM
... The computers with all the evidence will be Wiped Clean. Thank God the books that have been written have all the evidence. Which Batch and Lot number did you get ? Did the Higher concentrates go to red States ? Renowned doctor Peter McCullo ...
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Heat wave supposed to come (relevance: 3)
by witler5 on Aug 29 2022 02:39PM

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Monkey pox...something to keep in mind? (relevance: 3)
by AlongTheRoad on Jul 28 2022 04:48PM
According to CDC disease can be transmitted by touching an infected person, cuddling, etc. It sounds like some sort of STD. Be careful out there!
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Who you would choose if quarantined for 3 years (part 2) (relevance: 3)
by Petite14u2use on May 5 2022 09:02PM
About a year ago someone had posted a blog who would you choose to be quarantined with if you had to be quarantine for 3 years. Just wondering if any of you all had changed your picks or have they stayed the same. Hell, it's almost been 3 years ...
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Hospital filling up with the vaccinated (relevance: 3)
by Normal_Guy on Jan 16 2022 05:19PM
And for all you that still don't want to believe you took posion into your arms. Here you go: ...
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Covid: 75% of deaths occurred in those with at least 4 co morbidities (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Jan 10 2022 01:48PM
To start off with for the naysayers. This is NOT political for me. The "vaccine" was started and finished under Trump...and rolled out under Biden. So please there is much blame to go around. This is seeking the truth. We....the American peopl ...
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AG Merrick Garland and the DOJ (relevance: 3)
by jimbo0618 on Jan 5 2022 12:30PM
AG Merrick Garland just gave a press conference stating that the DOJ will prosecute all those persons no matter who they accountable for the January 6th insurrectionist. Everyone needs to be held accountable even Trump and those Republicans who consp ...
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Oh look biden not extending student loan forgiveness and payments to resume (relevance: 3)
by tacobandit on Dec 14 2021 12:42AM
Lets see Sky high gas Sky high inflation Shit job growth Not taxing rich and infact gave them 3b in tax cuts Russia and chinas bitch Has he kept a single promise? Orange man bad am i right?
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Oh look IRS data proves trump tax cuts benefited working, middle class most (relevance: 3)
by tacobandit on Dec 5 2021 11:45PM
Which biden promptly ended and gave his rich buddies billions in tax cuts
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