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So the middle east conflict has expanded (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Jan 28 2024 05:31PM
3 servicemen dead, 30 injured in drone attack. Here we go.
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Thank you Joe Biden part 4 (relevance: 3)
by GoBallsDeep on Jan 7 2024 10:27PM
Just reviewed part 3 and all i got is........ MA = :)) Fucking stooge links Salon, The Guardian and NBC News as sources, after an exhaustive AI search of the entire internet universe for articles that agree with his predetermined mindset Eve ...
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Grand Canyon (relevance: 3)
by TomTraubert on Aug 11 2023 07:29AM
In a speech were POTUS tried, pretending, preventing uranium mining in the area around the Grand Canyon, was anything other than a gift to his friends in Russia, he mentioned that the Grand Canyon is one of the nine natural wonders of the world. Here ...
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MUST WATCH: Expert Tells EU Parliament "COVID-19 Was An Act Of Biological Warfare" (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on May 28 2023 11:33PM
I knew this day would come. It all started in 1965. So much for Wrap Speed development. The most power, hard hitting and on the record in the EU Parliament. It is all in there own documents. David Martin tells the EU that the Covid-19 coronavi ...
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Chinese Covid blimp (relevance: 3)
by mogulman on Feb 4 2023 07:34PM
Maybe the CDC was concerned about more Covid from Wuhan. Why shoot it up over the states and spread more Wuhan killer bugs??
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Question for the Business Entrepreneurs here on HX (relevance: 3)
by katnluna888 on Feb 3 2023 07:49AM
Luna and I have been wanting to start a business for a while now. We can't go too much in detail about the business for obvious reasons. We would like to ask the business entrepreneurs here on HX - Should we start off by creating a Traditional Bu ...
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Are your vocalizations in the bedroom genuine or put on? (relevance: 3)
by JP4RNR on Jan 28 2023 01:06PM
Ladies, are your vocalizations in the bedroom genuine or put on? I find if they are on the quiet side they are real, but if it sounds like you are doing a re-enactment from the movie scene When Harry Met Sally then it might be fake, just maybe
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China’s First Photonic Chip Production Line Ready In 2023, 1000 times faster Taiwan chips​ (relevance: 3)
by witler5 on Oct 24 2022 06:26PM
Biden and Pompeo seething
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Now These Psychopaths Must Face The Consequences Of Their Mass Murder (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Aug 26 2022 12:04AM
But will they ever ? And if Trump does not get on board with this he is finished. David lays it all out here v .
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Amwf (relevance: 3)
by Hentaidoll on May 14 2022 08:33AM
Amwf do we have hx club for us if not can we star one 😍
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