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It’s happening! Run for the Hills (relevance: 14)
by sherkahn on Aug 6 2020 09:45AM
De government is coming for your guns! Piss you-selves in fear! Run to your compounds. “New York's attorney general has announced a lawsuit aimed at dissolving the powerful National Rifle Association over alleged financial mismanagement. ...
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30 Years of Russia Seeking Peace with the West Tucker Crlson (relevance: 6)
by AFMadness on Feb 11 2024 10:33PM
The short highlighted version or the full 2 hr with history lesson. .
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Thank you Joe Biden part 4 (relevance: 6)
by GoBallsDeep on Jan 7 2024 10:27PM
Just reviewed part 3 and all i got is........ MA = :)) Fucking stooge links Salon, The Guardian and NBC News as sources, after an exhaustive AI search of the entire internet universe for articles that agree with his predetermined mindset Eve ...
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Bud Light Nonsense (relevance: 6)
by Marrisa_G on Aug 28 2023 01:29PM
I'm still waiting for that one TRUE MAN who will confidently say, "I drink Bud Light because I like the taste, and I am comfortable enough with my own sexuality that I don't really care if an LBGTQ likes it too." It's not like one is signalling th ...
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What's the difference seeing a Milf? (relevance: 6)
by GinaGalaxy on Jul 9 2023 10:44PM
Versus non milf? What's the kink? I'm at the age I will never be one.
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Myth about the vaccine (relevance: 6)
by Normal_Guy on Jan 10 2022 04:56PM
So I hear a lot of myth about the vaccine, one of which is that it works and that it somehow protect you for anything. CDC. WHO, even the news now that ya, it doesn't really work. So my question is, why people thinking taking something that pro ...
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Trump vs Harris Debate - Prosecutor vs Felon! (relevance: 3)
by jimbo0618 on Sep 10 2024 08:32PM
Former President Donald Trump got his ass handed to him tonight at the debate! He showed how angry, conspiratorial, unintelligent an Un-American he is! He was terrible with same old fear-mongering that he is known for. He is a weak OLD man that nee ...
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Has anyone TEMU?? (relevance: 3)
by lapierre on Apr 24 2024 03:07PM
when amazon started I was using before most had any idea what its all about. now i read temu has taken a 15% market share from amazon/small retail/dollartree/99cent I must admit, i have not tried temu anyone have experience?
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Does Anyone Here Have A CCW (relevance: 3)
by Addie on Apr 23 2024 03:53PM
Does Anyone Here Have A CCW ? What details can u share about the process
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Today in stocks: what goes up must come down (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Mar 12 2024 08:22AM
No, I am. It talking about the hard one deep inside longwalker’s mouth, anus and hybrid man-gina. Boeing airlines is having major issues. Good time to short the stock. Inspections and halts of production. Whistleblowers dying by “suicid ...
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