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Key Facts about the Trump Regime (relevance: 3)
by Raspberry8951 on Dec 24 2018 02:16PM
Inauguration Date: January 20, 2017 DOW Jones Industrial Average Closed at 19,732.36 on January 20, 2017
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Top 5 Murder Rates (relevance: 3)
by MMarblez on Dec 18 2018 10:02AM
"St. Louis has had the nation’s highest murder rate for the past four years, followed by Baltimore, Detroit, New Orleans and Baton Rouge" While Chicago merely has the most total not per capita...…..WAY TO GO CHI-TOWN! Hmmmm…..only c ...
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Democracy (relevance: 3)
by Grumpy on Dec 11 2018 07:04AM
Can the Senate save our democracy? Seems our democracy is at stake with all the breach of national security.
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Which is your Economy? How do you feel about 2019? (relevance: 3)
by AcesUp on Dec 8 2018 10:19AM
American economic cast system: Poor - entitlements - no changes in 2019? Working poor (minimal wage earners) - unemployment is low - will it stay that way in 2019? Blue collar - shrinking group, low wages - continue to shrink and wages drop? Wh ...
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Daddy issues, Trump style (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Oct 27 2018 07:21AM
Attempted bomber Cesar "MAGA" Sayoc's family lawyer has given a statement, and it's a doozy. --------------------------------- “This was someone lost,“ attorney Ron Lowy told Anderson Cooper on CNN Friday. He said Sayoc was “abandoned ...
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Sex with me is.... (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Oct 11 2018 03:29PM
...amazing. - Rihanna, title of her song. Ok, quick question. If your most recent play pal had to describe sexy-time with you, what would they say? I remember when I used to be described as a "dancing the salsa, lambada, cha-cha in my cha- ...
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Kavenaugh 3...uh oh (relevance: 3)
by teeitup on Sep 26 2018 09:54AM
He better start sweating...if Julie Swetnick can get the two people she told about her rape to come forward.
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rosenstein out (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Sep 24 2018 08:00AM
CNBC Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is reportedly resigning hopefully sessions grew some balls...dude has been totally absent during the cluster fuck...maybe on purpose?
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r.i.p mgk (relevance: 3)
by Bumper_jack on Sep 14 2018 01:27PM
Eminem Just shot back a diss track..
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Eau Ver Compensat (relevance: 3)
by TemptedHub29 on Sep 12 2018 03:41PM
Needed small hands so my ego feels better....
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