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RIP Robbie Robertson (relevance: 5)
by TomTraubert on Aug 9 2023 02:48PM
Whoever picked Keith Richards to be last man standing in the rock and roll dead pool is laughing his ass off right now

IS there such a thing as too much (relevance: 5)
by JP4RNR on Mar 5 2023 12:29AM
for the ladies, have you ever received a surprise geyser of ejaculate where you were shocked how much came out? I had a date where the lady began laughing and was saying my god that's too much ; you have balls from hell and I have to say I felt self ...

Want to see Kidmen eat Mealy worms (relevance: 5)
by AFMadness on Jul 10 2022 10:38AM
It's only 3 min of your time. :)) Perhaps I shouldn't be laughing. To bad it wasn't Anna Jo.... This is Gaslighting at it's best. You go first. .

NFL playoffs (relevance: 5)
by InsearchofStarfish on Jan 23 2022 01:45AM
last week rams looked like a team on a frigging mission with their defense two great games yesterday TENN had 9 frigging sacks...on the way to win the game or at least get into OT...QB throws a pick CINN made some good draft picks...they w ...

The worst thing possible (relevance: 5)
by mbc2000 on Jan 3 2021 11:53AM
I guess i should have been more specific. The worst thing possible for those who fall for his bullshit. Trump has managed to take everybody who bought his bullshit and fly that fucking plane into the ground. I'm here, standing beside th ...

A Law only CA Progressives could love AB 2088 (relevance: 5)
by GoBallsDeep on Dec 19 2020 02:12PM
Tax anyone who spends 60 days or more in the State of CA And, hunt them down for that tax for the next 10 years after they leave Tax them on their entire worldwide net worth each year for 10 years, even though they don't live here and were just vis ...

How did I not realize? (relevance: 5)
by MissNatCox on Nov 17 2020 06:48AM
I just checked when the dazzle stuff was going to end on the classified... I accidentally put 22 days .... that was 33,000 points gone! Haha , laughing at myself. Oh hello new week!

My vegan 🌱 views have shifted. Important read especially if u are plant-based (relevance: 5)
by CoachMila on Oct 1 2020 07:55AM
I’m going to own up to this. After a few decades of being plant-based, I find myself in the wrong constantly promoting it for all. For people who are depleted with minerals and muscle tone, some animals fat is pretty crucial, especially for hor ...

aunt jemima matters. part 2 (relevance: 5)
by heliman on Jun 18 2020 02:12PM
Laughing how stupid this is, keep going.

Are you worried? (relevance: 5)
by HoldingHeidi on Mar 17 2020 09:48PM
Do you believe this entire virus situation is another "distraction"? Are you panicking & buying all of the TP in your local grocery store amid the disapproving stares of the wide hipped cashier? Taking advantage of stock? Going underground wit ...

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