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Trump is the least inspiring person ever (relevance: 3)
by Run-key on Mar 13 2020 12:52PM
I know that a lot of you rah-rah dummies HAVE to support Trump because he sticks it to the Libs on the regular and it's way more important to you to be "WINNING" rather than give a shit about your fellow man.... .....but Jesus Tittyfucking Christ, ...
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Currency: (relevance: 3)
by AvaAllure on Dec 13 2019 05:33PM
What is your money maker?? Rough tough and always Original is mine :)
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Let me tell you about (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Nov 1 2019 02:14PM
... how I stole your car, ran over your dog while i was drunk off of beer after banging your wife. And its your fault. The genius that is Trump has actually considered reading the entire transcript of the Ukraine call to the nation in a fireside ...
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They just don't give a crap anymore (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Oct 17 2019 02:55PM
Two classic Trump administration moments happened today. Normally they just tend to wait for one crises to start fading away before starting up another one, but I guess they sense that time is running out for mayhem and mischief. 1. The June 20 ...
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Accountant dies after charging mobile phone 'slips' into bath and electrocuted her (relevance: 3)
by DudeLebowski on Sep 23 2019 08:10AM
There are women who do this all the time when taking a bath. Maybe you should think twice.
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I'm wondering (relevance: 3)
by blackteddy on Sep 22 2019 10:27AM
When setting or requesting an appointment what's the allotted time or grace period is it acceptable for a response before moving on to the next
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Slow weekend here? (relevance: 3)
by nikamat on Sep 14 2019 07:12PM
Is everybody talking the weekend off? I mean my goodness.
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Does any1 know how 2.... (relevance: 3)
by Sweet_Stacey on Jul 30 2019 09:46PM
Remove the Cloud lock on a Iphone7 plus I found? If they're someone that knows how to do this please PM me thank u. And stay thirsty... lol
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Jordan Peterson (relevance: 3)
by DeLaine on Jul 24 2019 01:03PM
Please discuss this lunatic Particularly interested in hearing from other lunatics who buy into his ideas of dominance hierarchy and alpha males Thanks in advance :D
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Anyone really care what Tramp says? (relevance: 3)
by teeitup on Jan 8 2019 05:58PM
A big percentage of it will be exaggeration or even outright lies... MAGA!
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