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Proud Boys (relevance: 6)
by SeymourButz on Sep 1 2023 04:08PM
Get a combined 28 year. One dude started crying asking for mercy. 18 year. The other dude got 10 yrs. What's the message here Keep fucking with Trump and get prepared to start crying at your sentencing day. Torio is next. That punk is fixing ...
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shits been going on for years, but they keep voting the same - Part Dos (relevance: 6)
by GoBallsDeep on May 20 2023 04:06PM
"U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: What caused inflation to spike after 2020?" If you had any real experience with the BLS, you'd understand that they're good at gathering data but not so good at explaining it. I picked out Biden only so far as he ...
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TRUMP indickedment - 6 (relevance: 6)
by InsearchofStarfish on Apr 3 2023 01:37PM
it's about this CASE....not the other stuff, that will certainly be coming down the pike still not seeing LEGAL conversation and analysis posts from people you watch...something we can talk about rationally only he's going down with giddiness ...
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SO zuckerberg and rogan talking about the FBI (relevance: 6)
by InsearchofStarfish on Aug 26 2022 11:15PM
they were the ones per Zuck...that brought up the Russian disinformation on hunter's laptop story true? false? does it matter? trump lost now FBI has raided his we know why yet? did we get enough info or too redacted? don't ...
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Since begging is the current thing (relevance: 6)
by Grumpy_Butthead on Jul 29 2022 05:50PM
Could a couple of you ladies drop by and take care of me like a good woman does? I have fallen on tough times and do not want to pay for anything, but I'll repay you in a year or 2 if I'm still alive. You ladies know it's the right thing to do ...
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Biden fail again.. (relevance: 6)
by Angler1 on Jul 18 2022 11:23PM
Saudis will not be pumping more oil for beggin joe. How long before joe begs China for gas?
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Rachel Madcow Maddow and 6 million dollar question. (relevance: 6)
by Normal_Guy on Feb 15 2022 01:29AM
Here a question for you wacky liberals, so Rachel Maddow, you know miss "Trump tax return", "Russian Hoax" pusher. She has a cushy job of about 6 million a year roughly, she walking away from that to work on a documentary that no one has any inte ...
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Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) (relevance: 6)
by InsearchofStarfish on Oct 27 2021 08:27PM
well, this is kinda exciting...please educate us a bit more on how this fits US? the whole you and your people? hopefully spelled correctly...wouldn't want people wasting any thread space letting people know about the spelling over and over ...
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What the hell happened to all the enthusiasm? (relevance: 6)
by 1972monarch on Jul 22 2021 03:44PM
Last nights CNN Presidential town hall drew only 1.5 million viewers. Over 80 million people voted for good old Uncle Joe and you can only get 1.5 million viewers 6 months later? I believe the cartoon network out drew him. What's gone wrong? Is the h ...
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Trump is ruined. Guess what he is doing now? (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Jun 2 2021 09:27PM
Piece of shit in charge, a.k.a. Private bone Spurs/little hands, has had another major failure. A “communications platform” former President Donald Trump launched in early May as a means to reach his followers is shutting down after usage tank ...
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