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Is the only way to win (relevance: 6)
by KaiserSoce on Sep 14 2020 08:37AM
In today’s political climate... is if you completely demonize the other side? The other guy/gal has to be evil, corrupt, stupid, incompetent?
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RIP Herman Cain (relevance: 6)
by investmentguy2008 on Jul 30 2020 07:58AM
He was a good man and we will miss him.
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Team America: World Police (relevance: 6)
by TheRealGuido on Dec 11 2019 08:05PM
Possibly one of the most entertaining "movies" ever. Been a while since I have watched. But now I am stuck.
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ex-president Bannon destructing ... (relevance: 6)
by abra.lin on Sep 15 2017 08:09AM
... himself on CBS. His history failed with alternative facts. His strategy being thrown out. But his words are gems. Not a single person shouts "fake news" when he speaks. First gem: Tramp's firing of Comey is the biggest mistake in modern hi ...
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When Trump Met Putin - The Love Story (relevance: 6)
by jimbo0618 on Jul 1 2017 09:25AM
The Trump-Putin bromance will happen next week at the G20 meeting. What do you think will happen when they meet? A tongue 👅 kiss betwixt them, a butt lick by 45, a hard stare or a WWE handshake? President Obama gave the short MF a hard stare, so ...
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Doctors warn women against putting wasp nests in their vaginas (relevance: 6)
by Smurf on Jun 2 2017 08:19AM
This is a thing. Any of you girls do it?
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The Night Before Biden (relevance: 5)
by IMNventR on Jan 19 2021 05:37PM
THE NIGHT BEFORE BIDEN �Twas the night before Biden, and all through the White House Not a patriot stirred for that Democrat louse. The thieves and the criminals, liars and frauds Were all celebrating their rigging the odds. They corrup ...
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Now what.? Pt.2 (relevance: 5)
by mbc2000 on Jan 15 2019 02:11PM
I wrote this on 1/17/17. " I hope I'm not alone. Trump is comprised. If I'm out of line tell me . I really want to know if I'm being delusional and making a fool out of myself. He hasn't even taken the oath. So technically he hasn't sworn to "pr ...
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I saw Grumpy (relevance: 5)
by JWReturns on Jul 29 2017 05:41PM
Sorta. I know that 'cause it read [IM GRMPY] right on the license plate of his black Camaro. (And that half puppet face in the avatar pic is not creepy at all. Not at all.)
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What is... (relevance: 3)
by Ayla_Amour on Sep 27 2024 02:07PM
Green and slimy and smells like bacon?
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