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Build a Nest With A Ranger (relevance: 6)
by Tatiana36dd on Jan 28 2020 07:45AM
I just did a fun activity where a ranger showed my meetup group how to build a nest for the blue heron of North Carolina? What trails are good for hiking in the OC and where are the best bird trails? Planning another trip April and May.
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Bye Bye Moonbeam Jerry Brown Part 2 (relevance: 6)
by Harpooner on May 9 2018 06:06AM
It’s interesting how so many commented about people voting against their own interests (they won’t get “free stuff”) while those same folks support conservatives whose political positions nearly destroyed our civil liberties here.
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GOP intellectuals' total failure Part II (relevance: 5)
by Rahcrener on Aug 29 2023 11:52AM
I should have known; I made a mistake by posting my comment at GDP initiated blog only to receive his irrational insults. So I humbly apologize to HX that I repeated the same comment here as a result. Going back to my blog and the last argument ...
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Conducting Scientific Survey on Penis Sizes from Cali to North Caro (relevance: 5)
by Tatiana36dd on Mar 12 2022 04:08PM
Hey Y'all I am conducting scientific research and going to post survery results by Sept 2022 on this site and others. I am surverying Peter sizes and yes you will either need to show proof in person to me or send me a pic to my hx account my email w ...
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Pfizes COVID-19 Vaccine Goes Into Liver Cells and Changes your DNA (relevance: 5)
by Waterdisport22 on Mar 2 2022 03:40PM
This is the first time that researchers have shown in vitro or inside a petri dish how an mRNA vaccine is converted into DNA on a human liver cell line, and is what health experts and fact-checkers said for over a year could NOT occur. THEY LIED-- ...
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Thinning the herd. Trump voters most likely to die for being stupid. (relevance: 5)
by sherkahn on Dec 5 2021 04:42AM
Well, time and facts(and body bags) are proving that misinformation will get you killed. The number of MORTALITIES can no longer be ignored. “ Misinformation appears to be a major factor in the lagging vaccination rates. The Kaiser Family F ...
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ICU recovery story… Man left for dead was saved by Ivermectin (relevance: 5)
by Waterdisport22 on Dec 2 2021 07:54AM
COVID patient left for ‘dead’ recovers after court forces hospital to allow ivermectin treatment NAPERVILLE — An elderly, critically-ill COVID patient who was repeatedly denied ivermectin has made a full recovery after a court ordered t ...
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Missing California Mother Heidi Planck (relevance: 5)
by lapierre on Nov 8 2021 11:43AM
I have been following this story, it sounds like something straight out of a crime novel - especially considering the people involved in her circle. Heidi worked as Financial Controller for a company Camden Capital Partners LLC, which is being inv ...
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Vaccinated Republicans (relevance: 5)
by mbc2000 on Sep 27 2021 03:20PM
These Republicans have been vaccinated. Arizona Rep. Greg Stanton (R) Florida Sen. Marco Rubio (R) Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R) Rep. Carlos Gimenez (R) GEORGIA Rep. Buddy Carter (R) Rep. Drew Ferguson (R) Rep. Austin S ...
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Lancet article calls for objective, open and transparent debate. WHAT? (relevance: 5)
by InsearchofStarfish on Sep 19 2021 09:02AM
Now the Lancet U-turns over Covid lab leak theory and publishes 'alternative view' calling for a 'transparent debate' on the origins of the virus Peter Daszak secretly orchestrated a landmark statement in The Lancet this year It attacked ...
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