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Astrazeneca Vaccine on Hold (relevance: 23)
by sherkahn on Sep 9 2020 08:44AM
This is what happens when you rush things. AstraZeneca on Tuesday temporarily halted its phase three trials of a possible coronavirus vaccine after one participant suffered what may have been a serious adverse reaction. The vaccine "candidate" w ...
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Phase 3 is still months away. (relevance: 21)
by NigelCollins68 on Apr 28 2020 03:27PM
In a press conference this afternoon Governor Newsom indicated that the hard lockdown would end in a few weeks, probably by May 15, 2020. The six counties of the San Francisco Bay Area, however, have already announced that the hard lockdown would be ...
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Covid vax Whistle Blower - Federaly employed nurse on Project Veritas (relevance: 18)
by Atticus_Finch on Sep 21 2021 02:23PM
A nurse employed by the federal government shows recordings she made while working at the hospital she's stationed. Actual video starts @ 3:48 Before anyone can call - Bullshit! or say 'She's a fraud' etc. The below video is Alison Morrow i ...
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The FDA broke all their own rules for approval, What is there Real Agenda ? (relevance: 12)
by AFMadness on Aug 25 2021 08:48AM
John-Henry speaks with LifeSite journalist Celeste McGovern, who just came out with a 10-point article pointing out what's the real agenda behind the FDA's Pfizer COVID jab "approval." .
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South Beach diet and better fitness (relevance: 11)
by 2small4porn on Oct 29 2020 04:56PM
Many years ago, I tried this diet with a friend and he bet me that if I stuck with it with him for a week (or two I can’t remember), then we’d lose 10lbs and one or two pant size! I’m like no way but to my dismay we met weekdays mornings a few ...
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the libs just can't help themselves (relevance: 9)
by InsearchofStarfish on Sep 12 2020 06:18AM
it's possible they picked up a few votes due to the Atlantic article hit job on trump about the military (all anonymous sources)...nevertheless it had some traction NOW the "same paper - the atlantic", that could have put biden over the top??? g ...
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This is why China is bad.. (relevance: 9)
by pieranna on Mar 17 2020 04:25PM STEVE BANNON is right on the money. Trump is a son of a gun and That is what we need. CHINA IS A HUGE PROBLEM! that's why a skeptical republican president need to be in charge. Sanders has prais ...
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That other “war” the US was in (relevance: 8)
by sherkahn on Feb 27 2022 08:02AM
The trade war with China. We’ve had time to asses and do the math as to what we got and what it cost from the US China trade war. Here is what are the results of the Phase One trade deal that Trump negotiated. “The tit for tat finally s ...
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Federal Reserve Bank Launches Phase One of CBDC This July (relevance: 7)
by AFMadness on Mar 18 2023 10:26AM
FedNow is the gateway to a Central Bank Digital Currency Testing in April, roll out in July, Happy 4th everyone. A Blue back ground to keep you clam. .
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Learn How to Fight Mandatory Injections from Constitutional Attorney Robert Barnes (relevance: 6)
by AFMadness on Aug 15 2021 11:58AM
Robert Barnes of To break down what people can do when faced with mandatory injections. .
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