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Trump's Vaccine (relevance: 3)
by jazz51 on Mar 28 2021 04:01PM
I keep reading and hearing how Joe Biden is solving the Covid-19 problem single-handedly. The cupboard was bare and there was nothing in place. People like dtresden make ludicrous remarks like "If you think the logistics for distributing covid ...
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Biden will never agree (relevance: 3)
by Grumpy_Butthead on Mar 18 2021 07:54PM
Russian President Vladimir Putin challenged President Joe Biden to a debate following a fracas over comments made by Biden earlier this week in agreeing that the Russian leader is a “killer.” “I’ve just thought of this now,” Putin t ...
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pelosi and the dems always FORGET their is tape/history (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Jan 27 2021 05:15PM
just one of the many many things that divide the country SHORT MEMORY? Nancy Pelosi slammed as a hypocrite for praising storming of Wisconsin State Capitol in 2011
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Shut it down (relevance: 3)
by Grumpy_Butthead on Jan 19 2021 04:54AM
Health officials in California are telling medical providers across the state not to administer doses from one lot of Moderna's coronavirus vaccine while they investigate possible severe allergic reactions last week in a number of people who got shot ...
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Listening to Soon-to-be President Joe (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Jan 14 2021 04:44PM
Still not a fan... but it is nice to hear a measured, thoughtful tone from our president.
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Who is joining Clinton Bush and Obama (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Dec 6 2020 08:04PM
In taking the Vaccine? Did they announce which vaccine... or are they all taking different ones?
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Sooooo vaccine? (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Dec 4 2020 06:53AM
I realize there are different vaccines being produced by different work groups... but... How will this work? If is seems COVID antibodies dissipate.... What is the long term answer?
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Trump paid $3 million to recount Wisconsin election only to prove Biden won even more votes there! (relevance: 3)
by SonOfAdams on Nov 28 2020 10:46AM
This guy must be a glutton for punishment. How does it feel to lose over & over again in the same state, retard? :)) Keep it up, Wanna-be Mob Boss! You're showing you're the biggest loser on the planet! AGAIN! :D
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Britain announces 4-week lockdown part 2 (relevance: 3)
by Angler1 on Nov 2 2020 12:43AM
Kit car guy, night rider, says he has proof lockdowns work, and Santa Claus is fake.. Please show us proof, not opinion, please.
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A day to Mourn Today .. 10/14/2020 (relevance: 3)
by Exoticbabygirl on Oct 14 2020 08:33PM
To ANYONE WHO HAS LOST SOMEONE AND FELT ALONE AND VULNERABLE. IM HERE FOR YOU AND I FEEL YOUR PAIN. I lost my mom couple years ago October and Today I Lost the last woman I had left My Grandma . My heart is in a very sensitive place and I ...
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