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Governor Andrew Cuomo for President? (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Apr 4 2020 07:54AM
Since the crisis began he has been getting stuff done better than Biden, Sanders or Trump. He can play kingmaker when this calms down, or even take a shot at the title. What day you?
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Valentine s Date (relevance: 3)
by AvaAllure on Feb 14 2021 04:41AM
Alone this Valentine's day sad and needing of some good stuff.. Who's with me?
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Race is on for final actions (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Jan 8 2021 02:35PM
Trump is checking with his lawyers if he can pardon himself for the Certification Day fiasco, while Pelosi wants to impeach him before he can clear himself.
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Democrats Will Take Both GA Senate Seats; Trump's Tantrums Suppressed Republican Turnout (relevance: 3)
by SonOfAdams on Jan 5 2021 11:31PM
Warnock has been declared the winner over Kelly Loeffler in one of the two Georgia Senate races & Ossoff has now overtaken Perdue. Still to be counted: Votes in the heavily Democratic county, which will put both even more over the top. We'll have ...
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Cancer or Not (relevance: 3)
by FATFUKK on Sep 24 2020 11:27AM
Is the President of the US Cancerous to this COUNTRIES' political landscape?? Your thoughts!!
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Blm (relevance: 3)
by sugarbabymea12 on Aug 28 2020 02:27PM
is it because I'm Black I get judged , ridicule , never get the respect SHE deserves always put down to make Another Women or race feel Superior or is it Just me ?
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WTF was that shit Trump did tonight? (relevance: 3)
by DudeLebowski on Aug 27 2020 09:54PM
Hey Trump shills please tell us that having 1000 people sitting right next to each other( only a few wearing masking) on the Whitehouse lawn in the middle of a pandemic to listen to Trump's extremely weak ass speech tonight was a good thing.
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