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Can someone please explain! (relevance: 6)
by 1972monarch on Feb 17 2020 10:43AM
Yesterday I received robo texts from Steyer, Bloomberg and Sanders. Each saying only they can save the republic so can we count on your vote. But here's the confusion. I could swear I spent the last 3-4 years being told that old rich white guys are w ...
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Hugging and kissing (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Mar 27 2021 05:48AM
Well, not to be outdone with Biden’s performance this week, Trump was desperate to remind everyone why he was voted out of office by a large majority. Biden: “ So the best way to get something done, If you, if you hold near and dear to you tha ...
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Democratic National Convention (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Aug 18 2020 08:17AM
Sucked! But it wasn’t their fault. Trying to make 30 pre recorded speeches, without an audience, is tough. Everything except Michelle Obama was mediocre at best. They should have saved her for last. I know that is the spot for the nominee... but t ...
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New York Times Editor (relevance: 3)
by jazz51 on Jul 14 2020 12:03PM
I would challenge all to read this resignation letter from one of the New York Times Editors who just departed today. Of course, the left will deflect, deny, change the subject, and probably name call. But far too many on the left feel that a ...
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Mueller says Roger Stone remains a convicted felon and 'rightfully so' (relevance: 3)
by coolhotavi50 on Jul 11 2020 07:52PM
Muller Strikes back at Trump �Trump�s commutation of Roger Stone�s sentence is an unforgivable betrayal of his office�. "Stone was prosecuted and convicted because he committed federal crimes. He remains a convicted f ...
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New Jersey Voter Fraud (relevance: 3)
by jazz51 on Jun 29 2020 03:56PM
Gosh, we don't need to worry about mail in ballots.....nothing wrong will every happen..... Oops....this is just further evidence that wholesale mail in ballots can easily lead to voter fraud. Of course, I am overreacting....and Republicans h ...
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BLM, Antifa, defund the police (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Jun 9 2020 05:27PM
this is hard to watch...up there with the couple that was protecting their shop and got beaten by 2X4's maybe MN, LA, and NYC will try it and let the rest of America and the world know how they are doing
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Howard Stern tells the truth about how Trump feels about the supporters who follow him (relevance: 3)
by DudeLebowski on May 13 2020 12:29AM
"Radio host Howard Stern has a blunt message for supporters of President Donald Trump: He doesn’t like you. “The oddity in all of this is the people Trump despises most love him the most,” Stern said on his SiriusXM radio show, according to ...
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democrats (relevance: 3)
by heliman on May 2 2020 11:34PM
Do you believe in their way of thinking?
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Newsom declares California a Nation State (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Apr 9 2020 09:10PM
Here we go. California has stopped playing nice with the Dump administration. They have stopped waiting for Trump to get essentials to the state to help the people. The 5th largest economy *may* split off from the rest.
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