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Biden Admin planning to seize and melt your guns to make friendship bracelets (relevance: 3)
by FlappyNutSack on Sep 27 2023 12:46PM
Yes, for trans illegal aliens
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Joe Biden fighting hard for women... (relevance: 3)
by TomTraubert on Aug 8 2023 02:59PM
...pays his own female staffers 80 cents on the dollar but wants the losers on the women's soccer team and that lazy bitch down the hall from me to get "fair pay"
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Want to fuck your favorite actress? (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on May 20 2023 06:59AM
Well, maybe not the ones who have great representation and have secured lots of cash for existing roles.... But the writers strike and possible upcoming actors strike *may* force some mid tier and low tier talent to start blogging on this board. H ...
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good guy with gun.... (relevance: 3)
by lapierre on Jul 19 2022 09:51AM
22 years old.. fired shots from a distance guided people out behind him "He engaged the gunman from quite a distance with a handgun and was very proficient in that, very tactically sound," Ison said of Dicken. "And as he moved to close in on t ...
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What's wrong in America (relevance: 3)
by lovethemuff on Jul 4 2022 05:27PM
Another mass shooting at a 4th of July parade in Highland Park Illinois. The government can tell a woman she cannot get a abortion. But can't do anything about gun control.
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The Cheese Stands Alone (relevance: 3)
by mbc2000 on Jun 21 2022 07:36PM
It's not looking good for trump. Witnesses with first hand knowledge of trump asking them to commit voter fraud. Rusty bowers arizona speaker told trump "I do not want to be a winner by cheating.” and “I will not play with laws I s ...
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How We Can Take Back America (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on May 28 2022 10:45AM
If we are unwilling to come together and lawfully police our elected leaders then we don�t deserve freedom. Sadly I learned about Jordan Maxwell's passing in March of this year. I have met and talked with him twice. One of many great edu ...
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Where is better, IE or OC or LA (relevance: 3)
by witler5 on Apr 17 2022 03:28PM
Just in general, to be at
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Today in gloom: Get Out (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Feb 27 2022 01:01PM
US officials are telling all Americans within Russia to get out or risk being stuck there.
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AG Merrick Garland and the DOJ (relevance: 3)
by jimbo0618 on Jan 5 2022 12:30PM
AG Merrick Garland just gave a press conference stating that the DOJ will prosecute all those persons no matter who they accountable for the January 6th insurrectionist. Everyone needs to be held accountable even Trump and those Republicans who consp ...
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