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Good guy with gun stops mass shooter (relevance: 3)
by tacobandit on Jul 17 2022 09:47PM
Pew pew pew Also the number of justified shootings in PA has increased significantly recently
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Trump country (relevance: 3)
by redbull09 on Jul 14 2019 01:20PM
You really can't make up how stupid this guy is. He tweeted that 3 Americans elected by the American public should go back to the country they came from? They were born in the US you pea brain!
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God saved her life (relevance: 3)
by lachineseguy on Aug 29 2018 04:52PM
that's like saying "Ike saved Tina's life"
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GOP Prays (relevance: 3)
by redbull09 on Feb 15 2018 07:20AM
GOD Bless them . At least 18 school shootings while trump under center. Those GOP, NRA members keep sending worthless thoughts and prayers. How about banning assault weapons and bump stocks to start. I do believe trumpy said no more carnage on his wa ...
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Kushner can't pass muster (relevance: 3)
by redbull09 on Feb 13 2018 12:04PM
15 months and this clown can't get full security clearance yet? And trumpy's fav adviser? Must be another witch hunt in looking into his background.
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Commander in chief/navy (relevance: 3)
by redbull09 on Aug 21 2017 09:48AM
So under this prez we have had 2 major Navy ship impacts with approx 17 lost US soldiers. If this happened under Obama not only trumpy would be calling him a failure as Commander In Chief but all his ditto heads and Breitbart would also be all over h ...
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