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What Trump did so far (relevance: 9)
by thresher001 on May 31 2020 04:02PM
Unjustifiable violence by a white police officer on a black person in Minneapolis was too much to bear for anyone who already has been suffering from covid-19 lockdown due to the lack of proper responses from Trump Administration. New Coronavirus ...
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CDC & California Detailed Plan to Vaccinate Everyone (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Oct 28 2020 12:04AM
All 80 pages of details on how to. This is no joke. Are Gov Newsom & Gov Cuomo REALLY skeptical about Trump�s WarpSpeed vaccine? The very detailed plans being sent to all local health bureaucrats show they are ready to MANDATE, ID, and TRAC ...
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Trump Accomplishments vs Biden Accomplishments (relevance: 3)
by rkavman on Oct 25 2020 06:47PM
Donald Trump Accomplishments - Platinum Plan (Plan for Black Communities that includes labeling KKK a terrorist organization, making lynching a federal hate crime, making Juneteenth a federal holiday and putting $500 billion into the black communi ...
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If the science told you to jump off of a bridge... would you? (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Sep 27 2020 05:15AM
I just read that on another blog. I guess the real answer depends on which science.... If jumping meant I would avoid being hit by a train, I might. If the bridge was on fire... I probably would... But hey.... that “Mom reasoning” can’t be ...
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Will Traitor Trump go to jail after his presidency? (relevance: 3)
by Mr.Horndog on Sep 4 2020 09:21AM
How come he hasn't locked up Hillary? The only reason Chump's not in jail now is because he's president. Maybe he can join his fanboys Steve Bannon, Duncan Hunter, etc. Oh and he's doing a great job at draining the swamp (see article below). ...
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I needed that Louis Vuitton bag (relevance: 3)
by jazz51 on Sep 3 2020 11:06AM
Now I have seen everything. Contra Costa County has issued some guidelines in pursuing looting cases. This is totally off the rails. For the business owner who has lost the merchandise, does he or she really care whether the person needed i ...
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CDC revises direct COVID US deaths down to 9200 in total. (relevance: 3)
by flash911 on Aug 30 2020 09:24AM
Non-comorbidity. The disease is real. The numbers are fake. Y'all have been taken for a ride. It'a all over Twitter.
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BLM strikes again (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Aug 11 2020 01:30AM
i see this...i smile. when are people, companies and sports leagues going to wake the fuck up to these fuckers...13 cops injured and 60million in damages. Every week i keep saying this is it, but it's not...i guess we will find out in november if ...
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