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Fox News Has Biden at 264 Electoral Votes; Told You He'd Come Back From Behind! (relevance: 3)
by SonOfAdams on Nov 4 2020 04:48PM
That's right, you autistic Republicans, Fox News, infamously part of the "left wing media," says Biden's just 6 electoral votes from becoming President. All he needs is Nevada, where he's still leading, and it'll be 270. He won't even need Pennsylv ...
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Aloha Thousand Oaks (relevance: 3)
by SweetLeilaniXoxo on Jun 11 2020 04:05PM
What is your favorite restaurant here in Thousand Oaks that one visiting can only get when in Thousand Oaks?.... First time in this area and it's my bday month.
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Biden (relevance: 3)
by mbc2000 on Mar 3 2020 09:25PM
This is amazing. He's winning in states he didn't spend any money or any kind of operation. I waited till noon today to vote. I really liked mayor pete. He may be the future of the party. I thought sanders had young minority vote but couldn't get ol ...
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Not about Biden anymore 3 (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Feb 28 2020 11:32PM
“Why don’t the countries of Scandinavia need minimum wages guys?” It’s a legitimate question that requires a detailed answer. One reason they don’t need a minimum wage is that entitlements provided through high taxation guarantee basi ...
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Joe Maguire (relevance: 3)
by Harpooner on Feb 21 2020 06:58PM
He is an honorable guy. Served his country with distinction. This article is good read.
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