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Youtube bans all anti-Vaccine videos… Anything that questions "science" (relevance: 6)
by Waterdisport22 on Sep 29 2021 08:42AM
Huh....soooo tell me what are they so afraid of..... Next Amazon will be burning books. SAN FRANCISCO — YouTube is taking down several video channels associated with high-profile anti-vaccine activists including Joseph Mercola and Robert F. ...
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Today in stocks: Nvidia (relevance: 5)
by sherkahn on Aug 25 2023 12:21AM
Fuck me. i keep kicking myself for not buying more Nvidia stock back at the start of summer when it was going down. Today’s nvidia news has the chip maker’s stoke rising, and it's looks like it will keep going up.
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Going Independant? Tulsi Gabbard Quits the Democratic Party (relevance: 3)
by Atticus_Finch on Oct 11 2022 09:09AM
Tulsi has finally had enough and left the dems. I was hoping that she'd make another run for pres and hopefully drag them back to the center and away from the far far left idiocy they've embraced. I doubt she, or anyone else, can or could but it w ...
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Expert Doctors Conclude WaterDisport22 will die of Terminal Bullshit Right-Wing Conspiracy Excessive (relevance: 3)
by SonOfAdams on Nov 29 2021 12:40PM
Newsflash: Two world renown doctors have examined WaterDisport22 & concluded that if he doesn�t stop his incessant postings, he will definitely die of Terminal Bullshit Right-Wing Conspiracy Excessive Blogging Syndrome. Just like wel ...
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racism, gruden and chronic outrage (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Oct 12 2021 03:58PM
continue on...maybe we will learn something that can finally MAKE it all better my own family was probably 1.2 generations from eradicating the lil fuckers come home on a daily fucking basis and say racist this, racist that...we had to ba ...
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B.B.L.U ladies Idk (relevance: 3)
by NyLaa_Baybee on May 9 2021 09:08PM
Why is everyone on here so freakin mean like grumpy mean like boys and girls like loosen THE FUCK UP. just because we are all adults doesn’t mean we have to take like so freaking seriously goddamnitt ... especially not here . None of the girls are ...
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Bye bye NY, So sad..Cali next? (relevance: 3)
by jimmyDee on Aug 19 2020 12:18PM
Saw this made me sad
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Don Jr on The View (relevance: 3)
by jammerman on Nov 7 2019 11:35AM
He put the lib Hags and their propaganda Networks in their place. Hillaryarious. Google it for the details
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NFL draft today (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Apr 26 2018 08:35AM
not so fun when your team has shitty draft number...still my favorite time along with FA for all sports and hot stove for baseball main channel fox has it along with nfl network...ESPN out of picture for the first time
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