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the finger to gov. newsome part 2 (relevance: 3)
by heliman on May 1 2020 08:28PM
Went down pch to hb today around 4. Some demostrators there. Looking at the news at 8pm looks like there was a bigger demonstation earlier . Some people on the beach . i think theres going to be a bigger revolt this weekend.
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COVID19 Murder suicide.... (relevance: 3)
by HoldingHeidi on Apr 7 2020 06:20PM
Apparently a man in Illinois killed his girlfriend of 8 years and then himself out of fear they both had contracted the virus.... Autopsies came back negative - they were fine. This hasn't been the first case of murder/suicide attributed to the ...
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The big picture (relevance: 3)
by Tabie on Jul 3 2019 09:19AM
Ever run into someone on the site by “accident”. Lol only to give them different information than they were originally looking for.:)) life is short people don’t let HX consume your every action. XoTabie:*
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Three things you are grateful for (relevance: 3)
by Tabie on Apr 22 2019 01:05PM
Here only three however I have many more.😊 1. Family 2. Men 3. The amazing massage I got this morning 😊 XoTabie:*
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