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What's something you've never experienced and (relevance: 3)
by SkurferGurl on Apr 28 2022 08:14PM
want to ? In my long lifetime, I've experienced quite a bit. However I have NEVER SEEN OR BEEN IN SNOW, only through pictures, movies. Just have never made it up the mountain when it snowed & I've lived in California all my life. Summer i ...
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Citizenship Test (relevance: 3)
by stumpy on May 2 2021 11:42PM
Can you pass the test given to a person seeking to become a naturalized U.S. Citizen?
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apple and google joining in with their own power play (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Jan 8 2021 05:27PM
to take parlor out of their app store i like it...this is clearly an abuse of their monopoly faster they get broken up and/or sued like a mother fucker
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Fall out from the Assault on the Capital (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Jan 7 2021 10:32AM
Well, ya done fucked up biggly. 1. Cyber security experts are announcing that parts of the capital that were broken into May have had their cyber security resources compromised. Not the ultra secure locations, but the ones where you are checked fo ...
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Enough is enough (relevance: 3)
by Kayman on Jul 26 2020 07:00PM
Now Black people are shooting each other by accident, WTF!?
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For all you hypocritical mother fuckers (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Jun 4 2020 01:27PM
For all of you holier-than-thou religious nut jobs who are not getting it. Imagine you were in the crowd and saw law enforcement apply lethal force to a person. “But he’s a criminal!” You would say. Imagine that the guardians of the comm ...
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This is getting ridiculous -- Souplantation goes belly-up! (relevance: 3)
by IMNventR on May 8 2020 07:58AM
All Souplantation and Sweet Tomatoes buffet restaurants are being shut down due to the China virus. And there's talk of shutting down ALL buffet restaurants. No. NO. N-to-the-O. NO!!! This is utter and complete bullshit. Entire restauran ...
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Reinfected (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Apr 25 2020 03:50PM
Looks like being infected with COVID doesn’t mean you won’t get it again. “ The WHO said it’s reviewing the scientific evidence on antibody responses to coronavirus, but as yet no study has evaluated whether the presence of antibodies “c ...
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You gonna get it. Preggo chicks are exempt. (relevance: 3)
by NigelCollins68 on Apr 15 2020 08:59PM
Everybody is going to get COVID-19. Most of you have already had it. You just haven't been tested for the antibody yet. I hear people panicking because they might get COVID-19. They complain because they don't have an N95 mask. They complain beca ...
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Newsom declares California a Nation State (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Apr 9 2020 09:10PM
Here we go. California has stopped playing nice with the Dump administration. They have stopped waiting for Trump to get essentials to the state to help the people. The 5th largest economy *may* split off from the rest.
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