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Nunes/GOP/Trump Memo is a F-ing Dud! (relevance: 3)
by jimbo0618 on Feb 2 2018 09:06PM
After all of the hype by the Repubicans and Nunes about the memo clearing Trump and his lying bunch of cohorts from collusion with da Russians! The doctored memo ain’t s__t! Being that Carter Page was dealing with Russia since 2013, how can you ho ...
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ISO Probate Attorney (relevance: 3)
by SweetGenie on Sep 13 2017 12:40PM
I'm currently seeking a probate attorney or a referral to one. I lost my Mother this weekend and I'm learning just how thoroughly my siblings suck. Feel free to PM or text 949.357.0780 Thank you in advanced. XOXO Genie
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When Trump Met Putin - The Love Story (relevance: 3)
by jimbo0618 on Jul 1 2017 09:25AM
The Trump-Putin bromance will happen next week at the G20 meeting. What do you think will happen when they meet? A tongue 👅 kiss betwixt them, a butt lick by 45, a hard stare or a WWE handshake? President Obama gave the short MF a hard stare, so ...
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