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Trump fringes (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Sep 9 2022 09:44AM
Updates on other things “Trump being flushed down the toilet.” - trump has his lawsuit against Hillary Clinton tossed out. A federal judge in Florida has tossed a racketeering lawsuit that Donald Trump filed against Hillary Clinton and a sl ...
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You’d Think The Average Democrat Would Get Tired of the Same Grift Everyday (relevance: 3)
by sleepyone on Sep 5 2022 11:10PM
This is why the commies have Trump living rent free in their heads because they watch stuff like this all day:
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CNN - Van Jones (relevance: 3)
by TheAlterEgo on Sep 5 2022 11:03PM
Who remembers this charade from Van Jones after the democrats stole the election? Crocodile tears, I wonder how much he rehearsed this =)) :)) :)) =))
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Hey Sherkhan FBI Shit Show and Your Obsession With Trump (relevance: 3)
by MyPeePeeBurnsie1169 on Aug 30 2022 01:52PM
Hunter Biden FBI Cover up .....oh Top Level FBI Agent resigns now. Let's see how many FBI leftist fucktards resign after the Trump raid political move disaster
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Arte quits (relevance: 3)
by Atticus_Finch on Aug 23 2022 02:20PM
Angel fans finally have something to celebrate after 20 years - arte's had enough and is selling the team! I'd say this is good news for the team & the fans. He's on the list of worst owners in the league. Atticus Finch
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Nancy Pelosi has wonderful tits (relevance: 3)
by azzmanforever on Jul 5 2022 09:06PM
No joke, even at her age, they are quite large and nice. Who knew??!!!
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Biden Admin Intentionally Misses Oil and Gas Deadline to Trash the Oil Futures Market (relevance: 3)
by yellowB2 on Jul 5 2022 08:13AM
Read the article. The Biden Administration, while Americans are suffering with $6 a gallon gas, intentionally missed a deadline which stops all offshore oil and gas leases for one full year! Can you imagine the nerve of these people, elected to l ...
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Lookng at and others, it appears Trump is still president. (relevance: 3)
by remo_williams on Jun 22 2022 06:47PM
Take a look at most "main stream" media webpages. Any day of the week. It's all about Trump. You mostly have to go "below the fold" to see any articles about Biden. Shouldn't that be reversed? Might be if Biden actually had any accompl ...
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Supreme Court Protection Law (relevance: 3)
by jimbo0618 on Jun 9 2022 03:34PM
It is amazing how hypocritical the Republican Party is at this moment. Old Man Crow McConnell is blasting the Democratic leadership for not immediately implementing the law to protect SCOTUS and their family members from violence but won't sign laws ...
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Top Gun: Maverick (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on May 30 2022 07:48AM
Ok, that was muuuuch better movie than I had planned to see. It’s incredible, and one of those that must be experienced in a movie theater with top audio and visual settings. Anyone else see this?
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