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Any of you lovely ladies need some FX points? (relevance: 3)
by Firkins on Apr 12 2024 08:59PM
I accidentally got more FX points than intended, so I figure I’d share the wealth with a few lovely ladies. Just let me know in a few words why you’d like some, and I’ll be sending some of you some FX points.
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The impeachment sham (relevance: 3)
by vss4 on Jan 13 2021 11:08AM
You just can't make this shit up!!!!!!!!!!! Congressman, Eric Swalwell has been named as one of the managers over Trumps Impeachment!!! for most of you who do not know, Mr.Swalwell is one of the main advocates for Trump's impeachement. Als ...
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Southern California stay at home order to start Sat Dec 5 at 1 pm (relevance: 3)
by Night-Rider on Dec 5 2020 12:04AM
for a minimum of 3 weeks. Just so you folks know. The reason: ICU capacity was below 15% (13.1%) as of Friday. "Regions...must close hair salons, barber shops, movie theaters, ban restaurant service except for takeout and delivery, shutter ...
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How will we know who wins Tuesday? (relevance: 3)
by tc270 on Nov 1 2020 04:49PM
Assuming the results are in Tuesday or shortly thereafter... If Biden wins - there will be a lot of disappointed conservatives. But they will go to work on Wednesday and life will go on. If Trump wins - there will be rioting and looting in the ...
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One of the worst 🤬🤬 (relevance: 3)
by SassyX7 on Jul 22 2020 01:01AM
Soooo why am I on the road heading out and in the middle of no 🤬 where I catch a flat 😡😡😡 not only did I just used my spare but my other tire shredded like cheese 🧀🤬 I Hate this part 😡
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