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The death of the nation state (relevance: 3)
by flash911 on Aug 4 2021 12:48PM
The most accurate description of where we at now and what lies ahead. Read it.
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Question for then men (relevance: 3)
by Mellie on Mar 24 2021 02:36PM
What kinda pics do u guys wanna see how can us ladies do better
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No injury from fire extinguisher? (relevance: 3)
by Angler1 on Feb 14 2021 07:12PM
Keep watching MSM and believe everything they tell you... SHEEP
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Favorite Hip Hop album (relevance: 3)
by Kayman on Sep 16 2020 04:16PM
Liquid Swords Rap_ists like @jc1 need not reply
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CDC revises direct COVID US deaths down to 9200 in total. (relevance: 3)
by flash911 on Aug 30 2020 09:24AM
Non-comorbidity. The disease is real. The numbers are fake. Y'all have been taken for a ride. It'a all over Twitter.
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Trump posing with a Bible Part 2 (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Jun 2 2020 08:11PM
3 days length? You must not go to church that often. Even the pro church people who support trump are calling for excommunication or worse, as the priest in attendance at St. John was kicked out for the photo op. The Episcopal Bishop of Was ...
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US to designate Antifa as a terrorist organization (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on May 31 2020 11:00AM
Trump announces US to designate Antifa as terrorist organization following violent protests things are so bad with the riots, with china...trump isn't pussy footin around anymore...shit is going to be hitting the fan...see if he does this for th ...
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Kern County Dr. Erickson video taken down by YouTube (relevance: 3)
by icexdragon124 on Apr 28 2020 12:36AM
Anyone seen the video? It had some interesting points
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Opening Beaches During Pandemic - But No Sunbathing? (relevance: 3)
by GinaGalaxy on Apr 20 2020 01:11AM
Ok, so how are they going to know the difference for who is sunbathing? If you get out of the water, and sit on your towel- You are kinda automatically bathing in the sun. If I go to the beach - I cant sit on my towel? I have to go i ...
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I'm Temporarily done.. (relevance: 3)
by FunsizedMella on Apr 17 2020 04:42PM
With OC Hotels! The last 3 I've booked won't let any visitors in. Now I'm bored.. I guess my vibrator & a nap will have to do.
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