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Third indictment for Trump (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Aug 1 2023 02:53PM
Criminal is gonna do the time for doing da crime. Suck it, bitches.
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Shitcan (relevance: 3)
by TomTraubert on Jul 20 2023 03:49PM
Disappearing from HX like Marty McFly in Back to the Future….
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What a burn (relevance: 3)
by SeymourButz on Jul 19 2023 11:45AM
Mexican president Obrador offers to pay 1.5 billion dollars to Biden to build that wall and border security. Something Trump could not do. And Biden didn't even read The Art of the Deal.
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Finally. Jan 6th arrest for Trump (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Jul 18 2023 10:20AM
Pay back is a nasty cold bitch. Trump himself has announced he received a letter stating that he will be arrested for Jan 6th crimes.
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Comic-con this weekend (relevance: 3)
by thehawk8 on Jul 17 2023 03:37PM
Any of you lovely ladies going to comic-con this weekend
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Trump on tape (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Jun 27 2023 12:17PM
Yea, ladies and gentlemen, the notorious Russian Trump sex tape has been found and - surprise! - Trump himself leaked it. It has him “leaking” gold all over Alter, Jackass and Edmond while they plead on their knows for more. Oh, and that a ...
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Trump's Impeachment Expunged? (relevance: 3)
by jimbo0618 on Jun 23 2023 07:57PM
We have a lot of stupid Republican politicians who want to expunge Trump's double impeachments! McCarthy is listening to MTG and Stefanik about expunging them. Once a politician is impeached, they are impeached, you CANNOT expunge it! Instead of doin ...
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Legal law 115-118 (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Jun 15 2023 11:09AM
Oh boy. Trump really screed himself. The bill he signed that was meant for Hillary and journalist whistleblowers on his activities is now coming back to bite him. “ Today, I signed into law S. 139, "FISA Amendments Reauthorization Act of 2 ...
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In Tears (relevance: 3)
by SeymourButz on Jun 14 2023 06:45AM
Did anyone else see the thousands of supporters crying, and in emotional tears when President Trumps motorcade traveled thru the city. The streets were clogged with well wishers. Such a beautiful sight to see all the support this precious man has. ...
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MUST WATCH: Expert Tells EU Parliament "COVID-19 Was An Act Of Biological Warfare" (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on May 28 2023 11:33PM
I knew this day would come. It all started in 1965. So much for Wrap Speed development. The most power, hard hitting and on the record in the EU Parliament. It is all in there own documents. David Martin tells the EU that the Covid-19 coronavi ...
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