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So the middle east conflict has expanded (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Jan 28 2024 05:31PM
3 servicemen dead, 30 injured in drone attack. Here we go.
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Trump has been removed from the ballot - Maine (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Dec 28 2023 07:15PM
Told ya so. “ Secretary of State Shenna Bellows said Mr Trump was not eligible because of his actions leading up to the US Capitol riot in 2021. Maine now joins Colorado as the two states to ban Mr Trump from the ballot. The decisions increa ...
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The Trump campaign is over (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Dec 19 2023 04:54PM
Colorado just removed Trump from the ballot.
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Henry Kissinger has died (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Nov 30 2023 10:45AM
For those of us in my generation, there have been few consistent king makers and power brokers in the world like Kissinger. From hero to villain and everything in between, there is no denying that there was a time in the world before Henry and a t ...
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Hunter Biden vs Don jr (relevance: 6)
by Bumper_jack on Nov 26 2023 08:54AM
Who would win in a boxing match?
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For those who have been killed or injuried by the Covid-19 injections (relevance: 6)
by AFMadness on Oct 25 2023 11:21PM
Never thought I'd see this happen. Diplomatic immunity for the WHO, WEF and GAVI Swiss Banker Calls on Authorities to Arrest Globalists Over Pushing COVID Bioweapon on the Public Full interview 4 minutes. .
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Speaker of the House (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Oct 25 2023 11:19AM
Let’s welcome Mike “lil’ j” Johnson to the Speaker of the House. Little Mike is a MAGA sycophant, a known traitor, and works as a fluffer at gay home made porn shoots in Louisiana. Mike prefers people to carry big guns and shoot big loa ...
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Man-splaining to the bat-sheet (relevance: 6)
by NigelCollins68 on Oct 8 2023 10:41PM
Do you know why women need men? It's because feminine women can't think straight. Feminine women aren't supposed to be able to think straight. That's what men do. I've had sex with masculine women, and I've had sex with feminine women, and sex ...
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Govt Shutdown (relevance: 6)
by TomTraubert on Sep 26 2023 06:55PM
Funny. When did it become the Republicans SOLE responsibility to pass a budget? McCarthy can pass a budget f he wanted locater to the extremists in his party. But not one single democrat is willing to help him out. Because Democrats WANT a govt shutd ...
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Tim Ballard - “Sound of Freedom” guy (relevance: 6)
by Rrod111401 on Sep 19 2023 12:52AM
The real life dude of Sound of Freedom is apparently a predator himself. Lol
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