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Is TikTok a far right platform? It is promoting Andrew Tate severely (relevance: 21)
by witler5 on Jul 26 2022 07:11PM

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Yes !!! Sen Rand Paul refering Fauci to the DOJ. (relevance: 9)
by AFMadness on Jul 20 2021 11:22PM
:D As seen on Hannity .
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McConnell and Trump's Racist Attack on Elaine Chao! (relevance: 6)
by jimbo0618 on Nov 14 2022 04:44PM
Damn, how weak can a man be if he will not defend his wife against a bully that continually tries to demean his wife? What's up with the weak Republican men? This is the second time that Trump has used racist words against his former secretary of tra ...
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Trump search affidavit has been released Part 2 (relevance: 6)
by GoBallsDeep on Aug 26 2022 11:07PM
Keep going, part 1 was hilarious Frank, stop with the serial posts, k? My boner is monumentally ginormous And I'm ready to jizz If I can get a few more posts I will blow like Krakatoa And send a cloud of splooey around the globe Thanks in a ...
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Over 90,000 Killed Under Biden and He Hasn’t Been In A Month (relevance: 6)
by sleepyone on Feb 19 2021 12:06PM
Killing people at a much faster rate than died during Trump. And the left can screech that it’s not his fault but you made that the standard so it is 100% his and your fault. He’ll have more deaths under his belt than Trump within 4 more months a ...
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So Now That OnlyFans Is A Saturated Market... (relevance: 6)
by sleepyone on Jan 15 2021 03:57PM
Will we see a resurgence of women returning to HX? Thoughts?
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Thank you Joe Biden part 4 (relevance: 3)
by GoBallsDeep on Jan 7 2024 10:27PM
Just reviewed part 3 and all i got is........ MA = :)) Fucking stooge links Salon, The Guardian and NBC News as sources, after an exhaustive AI search of the entire internet universe for articles that agree with his predetermined mindset Eve ...
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Book Burning (relevance: 3)
by Marrisa_G on Feb 26 2023 08:02AM
What are the similarities between the history of book burning (censorship) and today's "anti-woke" movement? I am not in agreement with a TOTAL rewrite of history. In any human conflict, the history is written by the victors and is almost always ...
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Pfizer Director Caught On Tape (relevance: 3)
by sleepyone on Jan 27 2023 12:42AM
Pfizer Director caught on tape admitting company is considering manipulating the virus to create new variants in order to create new vaccines to profit off of them. You won’t see this on CNN, ABC, or MSNBC as 90% of their advertising revenue com ...
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Gas Prices Predicted to Rise Higher This Time (relevance: 3)
by sleepyone on Jan 23 2023 07:39PM
Gas is predicted by GasBuddy to rise to a national average of $7 this time around. Was around $5.36 last time so expect $9 gas in California. $81 million votes! 😂😂😂 Hope you Biden supporters are loving this because we’ll experience another ...
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