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Capitol Riot Committee 4 Criminal Referrals for Trump. What a Joke (relevance: 3)
by MyPeePeeBurnsie1169 on Dec 19 2022 09:11PM
These referrals will amount to NADA.
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What Happens When Progressive Democrats Take Over Your Government (relevance: 3)
by sleepyone on Sep 9 2022 10:27AM
Incredibly violent criminals get immediately released without bail:
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You’d Think The Average Democrat Would Get Tired of the Same Grift Everyday (relevance: 3)
by sleepyone on Sep 5 2022 11:10PM
This is why the commies have Trump living rent free in their heads because they watch stuff like this all day:
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China is A Shithole Compared To the US (relevance: 3)
by sleepyone on Jul 8 2022 02:00AM
Besides the obvious that they’re a bunch of godless commies who commit mass genocide of Uighurs, Christians, Mongolians, Tibetans, and other minorities. 1. The average person in China lives on about $300 a month. 2. The freedom of speech does ...
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Jan 6th today (relevance: 3)
by SeymourButz on Jun 28 2022 11:10AM
Take me to the Capitol! They are not here to hurt me! Take down the magnetrometers! Let my people in! As I lunge at the steering wheel, choke the driver. Is that not damming people.
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Are there ANY studies? You Decide if Ivermectin works. (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Mar 20 2022 06:08PM
Just found this website today. Was not looking for it but came across it by accident. There are a couple of people in particular who say THERE IS NO SCIENCE for Ivermectin to treat Covid. This website has ALL of the studies. So....lets pl ...
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Today in Gloom - Kyiv is about to fall (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Feb 25 2022 12:22PM
NOW Putin is open to talks. Damn, I thought the Ukrainians would last longer.
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It Syphilius now for COVID vaccine now? (relevance: 3)
by Normal_Guy on Feb 22 2022 06:25PM
First it was HIV, now the COVID vaccine will give you a positive Syphilis test, but wait don't worry, it a false positive, just like the positive HIV............right There you weirdos beloved CD ...
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14th amendments of the Constitution (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Feb 10 2022 12:24AM
“Thou who follow false prophets shall burn.” No, wait that’s not it. Here it is: Section 3: “…no person shall be a member of the House if, having previously taken an oath to support the Constitution as a member of Congress, the per ...
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the active ingrtediet in viagra has shown to help prevent alzheimers disease (relevance: 3)
by lapierre on Dec 8 2021 01:10PM
Usage of the medication sildenafil – better known to most as the brand-name drug Viagra – is associated with dramatically reduced incidence of Alzheimer's disease, new research suggests. According to a study led by researchers at the Cleveland ...
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