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Lmfkao (relevance: 3)
by AshleySoFresh on Jan 6 2018 01:55AM
=)) I think it's amusing that people have "college" education but don't know that the word an goes in front of a word that begins with a vowel..... Just a thought.... Happy weekend loves
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I got good news people! (relevance: 3)
by teeitup on Jan 3 2018 04:28PM
I hear a little rain pitter pattering. Looks like there will be a little more later on tonight.
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Gas prices, way up? (relevance: 3)
by teeitup on Nov 8 2017 06:36PM
My local station raised gas prices Nov. 1 18 cent even though the state tax only went up 12 cents. And a Costco raised the price 22 cents...WTF? Anyone else notice that sneeky move.
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Breeders' Cup (relevance: 3)
by HotRodHarry on Nov 3 2017 07:57AM
I'm picking Elate in the Distaff and West Coast in the Classic. Anyone else making picks?
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Daylight Saving Time (relevance: 3)
by Juanita on Nov 1 2017 10:08AM
Sunday morning we move our clock back. Most of the World has already done this. Now to make it even more confusing Mexico (except some areas near the US border will do it on Sunday with the Americans). Yes Tijuana is on the same time as you all ye ...
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Don't hold your breadth cause Tramp is pretty tight (relevance: 3)
by teeitup on Oct 22 2017 08:11PM
"Check's in the mail." NOT! You know he's not paying up until someone embarasses his about not having paid what he said he will. Been there, seen that how many times now?
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Life is funny (relevance: 3)
by Evil_Overlord on Oct 17 2017 11:59AM
Here's one for you liberally minded mental midgets Who's right? Harvey Weinstein: Says Trump talking about grabbing a woman's pussy is deplorable and evil. Even though he rapes women. Trump: Says Harvey actually raping a woman is deplorabl ...
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So Harvey Weinstein is a degenerate pervert (part 2) (relevance: 3)
by teeitup on Oct 10 2017 04:59PM
Harvey Weinstein and Judge Judy???? Ohhhh WTF (so who would have gotten the worst of that?...if it happened)
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MLB Post Season (relevance: 3)
by Sweetnuts on Oct 6 2017 10:04AM
DODGERS!! GO BLUE!!! Anyone keeping up w the MLB PostSeason?? Predictions??
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This new mail thing is almost murderous...need some help (relevance: 3)
by ErotcEve on Oct 1 2017 12:22PM
I have been a member for some time now was offline for a while but am back now and things have changed. I am currently in a tight situation right now and cannot afford more FX points to answer messages in my inbox...if anyone could please help with e ...
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