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Recall Newsome - It's Happening (relevance: 3)
by lovegun on Nov 29 2020 11:09AM
Over 800,000 signatures have already been collected in smaller counties. L.A., Orange and San Berdo has not yet collected it's 12%. This is easy to do. You can download from the website an 8-1/2" x 11" petition for printing It has room for ...
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Conspiracy-filled Republicans want to boycott the GA Senate Races, throwing them to the Democrats! (relevance: 3)
by SonOfAdams on Nov 28 2020 07:59PM
"Earlier this week, the hashtag #WriteInTrumpForGA was one of Twitter’s top trending topics, with some supporters incorrectly claiming that writing in Mr Trump could help change the results of the presidential election in the incumbent’s favor." ...
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MAGA va MAGA - Guiliani vs Powell (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Nov 22 2020 05:27PM
So much for a team effort. “ The Trump campaign on Sunday sought to distance itself from attorney Sidney Powell following a series of media appearances during which she made baseless allegations of widespread nationwide election fraud. Powell ...
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If "Dictator" Trump pulls all our troops out of Afghanistan before leaving office (relevance: 3)
by Kayman on Nov 13 2020 07:52AM
how will the Left react? Welcome it like anti war zealots against US intervention, or rebuke it like the status quo military industrial establishment?
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More people watched Biden's Town Hall Than Trump... Again (relevance: 3)
by SonOfAdams on Oct 16 2020 11:24AM
Because Trump's embarrassing performance was going to be watched on NBC & two of its cable outlets whereas Biden's townhall was only going to be seen on ABC, most people predicted Trump would be watched more than Biden. WRONG. More people chose t ...
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Tonites Debate- Alternative Take (relevance: 3)
by Quat on Oct 7 2020 11:40PM
I thought the debate sucked and provided potent evidence of why the country would be better off without any Pres/VP debates. It is all about attacks, appearances, and tactics and very little about ideas and plans for the future. I doubt I heard eit ...
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The polls are running away (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Oct 7 2020 12:38AM
is this going to be a 45state blowout? trump needs to reset this messaging that got MANGLED...they should have nipped the shit in the bud and probably too late to get it back on track...when the media is 95percent in your's quite the fuc ...
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proud boys (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Oct 1 2020 02:45AM
never heard of them, before one of them got killed in portland looks like they want to just battle Antifa??
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Cancer or Not (relevance: 3)
by FATFUKK on Sep 24 2020 11:27AM
Is the President of the US Cancerous to this COUNTRIES' political landscape?? Your thoughts!!
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I don't need to Wear a Mask... (relevance: 3)
by juliuscaesar1 on Sep 17 2020 07:00PM
cause I have BO.
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