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Robert Trump, RIP (relevance: 3)
by Night-Rider on Aug 15 2020 08:12PM
Sorry Mr. President for your loss. No idea what his brother died of.
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the DEM about-face on going to school is pretty funny (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Aug 8 2020 03:03AM
trump has been pounding this for a within one day, the bigs on the left make their going to school speeches tanking the economy for the election was not polling great with moms...the teachers/unions wanting to have police defunded and ...
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It’s happening! Run for the Hills (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Aug 6 2020 09:45AM
De government is coming for your guns! Piss you-selves in fear! Run to your compounds. “New York's attorney general has announced a lawsuit aimed at dissolving the powerful National Rifle Association over alleged financial mismanagement. ...
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Keeping you mental health (relevance: 3)
by SeductiveCC on Aug 4 2020 09:54AM
So I've got a lot of questions on why im leaving. no it has nothing to do with anything that happened here, or anything that someone did. Ive noticed just how hard it really is for myself to keep a balanced out, well, everything. lol You have to ...
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R&B still kicks raps ass... (relevance: 3)
by PeteMalloy on Jul 29 2020 05:02PM
Baby, it's hard to fake it... This might get complicated ;)
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Police in Australia won their Supreme Court bid to stop a Black Lives Matter protest (relevance: 3)
by gilbert33 on Jul 26 2020 01:30PM
Awesome: Police in New South Wales, Australia won a Supreme Court case to stop a Black Lives Matter protest from taking place on Tuesday, July 28th due to coronavirus concerns. Is anybody else watching Married at First Site Australia? There are so ...
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No change for you! (relevance: 3)
by lamar on Jul 22 2020 05:04PM
I went shopping at the Covina Walmart today, the first thing that I noticed was the self checkouts was only taking cards no cash so I strolled over to the cashier. She rung me up for $35.31 and I handed her $40. she asked if I wanted to donate the ch ...
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If Ginsburg dies in her seat... (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Jul 18 2020 08:56AM
Will the Senate be able to move fast enough to confirm a nominee if Trump loses or if they lose their majority in the Election? The left will (rightfully) scream bloody murder, since the right held up The Obama pick in a similar situation/timefram ...
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We’re fucked - 2020 summer edition (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Jul 11 2020 06:55AM
We keep looking for danger from within, without realizing oblivion is closer than we think. Just above our heads.
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Masdival vs. Usman (relevance: 3)
by TheAlterEgo on Jul 10 2020 11:18AM
Who you got? I got Masdival!
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