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2020 Darwin Award winners. Told you so- disinfectant edition (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Apr 25 2020 05:14PM
Well, we knew it would happen. Trump said something stupid and harmful, and the faithful sycophants sucked it up. This just in. News reports that the poison hotlines as people decide to treat themselves with disinfectants, after Trump’s disas ...
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Covid-19 is not our enemy... (relevance: 3)
by EliteDiwata on Apr 6 2020 01:25AM
The virus(COVID-19) is not our enemy. You know who is the virus??? It is us Humans. We are the VIRUS. We polluted , we trash, we didn�t honor and respect our EARTH, our Motherland. We take advantage and abuse of our land. We forgot how beautif ...
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What do you think about tattoos? Do you have any? (relevance: 3)
by Allison_Snow on Apr 3 2020 12:25PM
I think tattoos for myself are a great way to express my life and some of the journeys and experiences that I have gone through. To me it’s pieces of art and eventually I’m going to get more.
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Apple Invents First Ever Phone with Thermonitor (relevance: 3)
by GinaGalaxy on Mar 31 2020 01:38PM
Actually they didn't. I did! 500% gonna see phones thst can check out temps And other temps tht U Thermo radar reading signatures ^ I made that word up. Any one wanna gamble? This does or doesn't happen? :) Fun times.. GinaG ...
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Stay home and stay out of Huntington Beach (relevance: 3)
by gilbert33 on Mar 29 2020 09:52PM
WTF people. You have no better place to go then clog the bike and walking paths in H.B.. It is like a summer weekend everyday. Keep you dirty, diseased, stinking bodies and crappy cars out of H.B.. Fuck you all. I do not drive through your neighb ...
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Ladies stock up on condoms NOW (relevance: 3)
by Fidelity999 on Mar 27 2020 09:34AM
The worlds largest producer has halted production !
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3 songs for a desert island (relevance: 3)
by jimmmyz on Mar 23 2020 06:01AM
This time of stay at home is much like being on a desert island. Although I have many songs to listen to, my playlist is getting smaller and smaller. Which 3 songs are you listening to the most?
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Can't quarantine forever (relevance: 3)
by witler5 on Mar 22 2020 10:07PM
The virus is already spreading throughout the whole world. The opportunity to stop the spread has long passed when the whole world could've shut down all international flights for a much smaller economic cost. The virus isn't going away in a few m ...
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How long is all this Corona Virus stuff going to last? (relevance: 3)
by DudeLebowski on Mar 15 2020 05:21PM
This shit will pass but things will be this way two months at the very very least. Because of the lack of available virus testing theres no way to get an idea of who is infected and who is not. Plus there are so many people who aren't following t ...
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Will your socializing habits change because of the COVID 19 CRISIS? (relevance: 3)
by bigdude24 on Mar 11 2020 09:52PM
Yes, for sure. This is a bad disease and it is transmitted by personal contact within 3 feet.
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