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Fauci promotes ‘mix and match Vaccines’… J&J users need another shot (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Oct 18 2021 07:55AM
‘J&J Vaccine is weak, no problem, just get another one, preferably Pfizer’ DR. FAUCI: “If you’re vaccinated and your family members are vaccinated…you can enjoy the holidays.” Comments: 1. Fauci Now Says J&J Should've Be ...
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Over 280,000 COVID-19 hospitalizations could have been prevented by vaccination between June to Augu (relevance: 3)
by TheGentlemanLvr on Sep 30 2021 08:55AM
at a cost of 5.7 Billion Dollars. There's a lot of propaganda out there, but hospitalizations and deaths are facts that are undeniable. Is it really wise to fight the vax? Plus, your insurer may no longer cover hospital costs, since free va ...
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Nearly 50k Medicare patients died soon after getting COVID shot: whistleblower (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Sep 29 2021 11:18AM
‘They are lying. There is no question they are lying,’ said Attorney Renz. ‘The mantra of ‘safe and effective' must stop after today’s information.’ Tue Sep 28, 2021 - 5:10 pm EDT A whistleblower has provided government data docum ...
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UK Funeral Director blows whistle on Vaccine Deaths (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Sep 27 2021 12:22PM
John O’Looney explains in great detail what he has been seeing since the Vaccine rollout began. Listen to the whole video......shocking. Tells the truth about all deaths being labeled as Covid.....etc
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Israel updates health pass — 4th Vaccine will be required of all citizens… (relevance: 3)
by Waterdisport22 on Sep 22 2021 12:06PM
Israel updates health pass — 4th Vaccine will be required of all citizens…
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Howard Stern says those who refused to get vaccinated shouldn't get hospital treatment; PREACH! (relevance: 3)
by SonOfAdams on Sep 9 2021 04:07PM
"A bold Stern maintained those who refused the vaccine should be refused treatment once they are infected. 'Go fuck yourself,' he said. 'You had the cure, and you wouldn’t take it.' “'It’s really funny when these radio — the radio guys are ...
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Can this be true? (relevance: 3)
by SkyBot84 on Sep 5 2021 11:21PM It's very sickening if it is.
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We are so screwed (relevance: 3)
by tc270 on Aug 30 2021 06:31PM
So I was on the road today listening to John and Ken and they played a portion of Biden's press conference today - if you can call it that. It was sad listening to him trying to put words together, lots of um, eh, um.... Anyway, at the end he said ...
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Interesting interview with Rich Baris top U.S. pollster/statisticans on covid mandates etc. (relevance: 3)
by Atticus_Finch on Aug 28 2021 05:20PM
Allison Morrow interviewed Rich Baris on Odysee. The first 36 minutes were on utube so self censored but they do go into why most polls are so wrong. Skip ahead to 36:12 when the interview goes strictly on odysee to hear the unself censored st ...
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British Gov t Warns COVID Vaccine-Induced Mutations May Kill (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on Aug 2 2021 10:10AM
Orders 3 million lbs of anti-coagulant ? . British Govt Warns COVID Vaccine-Induced Mutations May Kill, How many people ? . Is that right... Are you going to hear more bout ADE ? Anti-Body Dependent Enhancement Gee, what do you think they kno ...
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