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Orgasm at the opera (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on May 2 2023 12:51PM
This is making the rounds in media. “ Multiple people who attended the L.A. Phil concert on Friday reported hearing a woman making a moaning noise during the symphony’s second movement.” And I know which beautiful lady I would want to tak ...
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Alien Technology or A Miracle? (relevance: 3)
by catotheyounger on Apr 13 2023 08:40AM
If you had certain events people call miracles like being cured of incurable illnesses, what would you do in this situation? It wasn't a miracle or religion. You have knowledge of advanced mathematics and science. You can prove this with your own bod ...
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Trump to do the perp walk on Tuesday (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Mar 30 2023 08:18PM
Future prison bitch Don the Con is expected to turn himself for arraignment on Tuesday to New York authorities. What are the odds that his bail will be revoked, as he would be a flight risk?
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I fell in love (relevance: 3)
by HunterBee on Mar 28 2023 11:05PM
But I’m sad because I’m not korean. I love korean women.
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Apartment Hunting (relevance: 3)
by highclass on Jan 29 2023 11:09PM
Hello! How is everyone, I am currently looking for a permanent living situation. Does anyone have any properties or rooms for rent?? Please let me know.
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Monterey Park dance club attack (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Jan 22 2023 04:25AM
San Gabriel residents, sound off and let us know you are safe. Shooting at Monterey Park tonight.
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Who Wants To See What I Look Like (relevance: 3)
by GinaGalaxy on Oct 13 2022 10:27PM
Now? But before I upload a recent pix Let's have some fun and guesses. I'll start off with the worst guess 100lb over weight, pale scaly skin, oily dandruff shoulder length grey hair, deflated t*ts, inflated ass, Headgear, hearing aid, ...
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* Adult Sized * (relevance: 3)
by June.Moon on Aug 3 2022 08:17AM
Where are all of my statuesque women? The amazonian goddesses The ladies with legs that you can climb that reach as long as the nile river I LOVE YOU!!! Also shout outs to the beautiful Queens over 50 y/o and the lovely Lad ...
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Deadpool 2022 - summer edition (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on May 17 2022 07:52AM
Who has Eric Clapton on their list? And, my god, Keith Richard’s is going to outlive us all.
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It's OVER: Elon Musk and Twitter Have a Deal (relevance: 3)
by Atticus_Finch on Apr 25 2022 12:39PM
So much for twitter's board and their 'poison pill'. Apparently when they were threatened by law suits from the share holders they caved and began negotiating in good faith. It'll be an interesting next few days as the 'blue checkmark' brigade and m ...
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