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RIP Kelly Erny, part 2 (relevance: 15)
by sherkahn on Jan 5 2022 04:18PM
Well, looks like the cuckoos are out and about. While there are those that are happy that Erny did not pass the Darwin test, it seems that those who should support her are turning against her, as they believe she died BECAUSE she took the vaccine, ...
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I feel as thou Humaniplex is becoming... (relevance: 15)
by vss4 on Jan 11 2021 09:04AM
The last bastion of freedom on the internet
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Want to fuck your favorite actress? (relevance: 12)
by sherkahn on May 20 2023 06:59AM
Well, maybe not the ones who have great representation and have secured lots of cash for existing roles.... But the writers strike and possible upcoming actors strike *may* force some mid tier and low tier talent to start blogging on this board. H ...
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Today in Gloom: War with Russia (relevance: 12)
by sherkahn on Feb 18 2022 11:05PM
Are you prepared to have cyber attacks after your day to day activities? Why do I bring this up? Because civilians are being bussed out of the potential conflict zone in Ukraine on pro and anti Russian sides of the battles, and the shelling intens ...
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to all you covid fearing libtards (relevance: 12)
by vss4 on Dec 28 2020 08:45AM
I will just leave this right here
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Protests are peaceful, then turn violent (relevance: 12)
by Night-Rider on Aug 26 2020 04:15PM
This is happening too often. First we have peaceful BLM protests, which is fine. Then somewhere along the line, we start hearing about violent acts. To say they aren't linked somehow isn't true. Maybe not the same people, but the passions that ...
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Service with a smile (relevance: 9)
by sherkahn on Nov 18 2022 07:09PM
Just talked with a buddy who I was doing overseas work with. he is in Australia (with zones that lime what we indulge in), and his had his car serviced. And the mechanic shop also had a business partner next door where one could go and get “ser ...
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Rent increase ? (relevance: 9)
by NikkiContagious on Jan 12 2022 06:05PM
My landlord raised my rent $200 wtf! He said that's what everyone is doing. Why in the hell when people couldn't " supposedly" pay their rent and needed rent relief. I paid my rent and didn't hold out like some assholes and this is the thanks I get. ...
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Traitor General Miley (relevance: 9)
by Waterdisport22 on Sep 14 2021 03:56PM
General Milley told China in a secret phone call that he would give advance warning if U.S. were planning an attack. “If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise.” General Mark Milley se ...
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New lock down? Unemployment extension ? (relevance: 9)
by Calibaby93 on Dec 6 2020 08:10PM
Hey guys! i live alone and this new lock down has me very lonely keep me entertained, lets chat! also, does anyone know anything about a EDD extension ? did a quick google and couldnt figure it out, with bars still closed i cant bartend, let ...
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