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"Serious Event" CDC data finally released (relevance: 9)
by Waterdisport22 on Oct 6 2022 09:15AM
25% Of People Who Received Covid-19 Vaccination Missed Work Or Reported A "Serious Event" Affecting Their Normal Life Functions, According To CDC Data . . Official data from the CDC has been released due to court orders, as stated by lawyer Aa ...
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Twitter Purge (relevance: 6)
by Rrod111401 on Dec 15 2022 05:35PM
So according to Musk, his motivation to buy Twitter is so he can make Free Speech Great Again. Yet tonight he banned many journalists who have posted or wrote critical things about Musk on Twitter. Hilariously ironic. Elon Musk is a thin skinned b ...
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Way to go Gruesome (relevance: 6)
by SeymourButz on Dec 5 2022 01:36PM
Captain Gruesome is considering a penalty on oil companies that gouge his brethren. Thank you Gruesome! We love you. I will vote for you again. My real name is Jamal Washington. I'll keep an eye on my mail box sir.
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Trumpty Dumpty (relevance: 6)
by SeymourButz on Nov 10 2022 09:14AM
Get ready for the Red Trickle folks.
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If you don't condemn these actions... (relevance: 6)
by wunanddun on Sep 22 2022 06:14PM
Please shut the fuck up on any issue regarding immigration or political asylum. This especilly applies to sherkhan, mad4boobs, hey1, ma1 and that really silly woman that went on a racist rant the other day.
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Trump selling secrets part 7 - foreign consequences (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Sep 8 2022 07:32AM
Well, more info from the investigation shows that Trump had documents that gave information about a foreign nuclear power’s capabilities. This is ultra secret, select Cabinet member eyes-only level stuff. “A document describing a foreign gover ...
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Trump selling nukes, part4 - inventory (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Sep 2 2022 06:04PM
Looks like some of the top secret documents found at Mar A Lago May already be compromised. “The inventory was released as the Justice Department undertakes a criminal investigation, as intelligence agencies assess any potential damage caused by ...
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selling nuke secrets - 2 (relevance: 6)
by InsearchofStarfish on Aug 12 2022 07:09PM
you would think after 6 years of this...over and over. best to wait it out...anytime the LEFT/MEDIA start going crazy like they finally got it? --- they don't GOT shit but just maybe...this is the time :)
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BIDEN's VP choice is Kamala Harris Part 2 (relevance: 6)
by sherkahn on Aug 11 2020 08:35PM
Trump campaign just went into overdrive to begin discrediting Harris. This should be fun to watch the bs they pull.
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All Californians must wear face masks in public. Governor's order. (relevance: 6)
by Night-Rider on Jun 18 2020 02:48PM
"Gov. Gavin Newsom on Thursday ordered all Californians to wear face coverings while in public or high-risk settings, including when shopping, taking public transit or seeking medical care, following growing concerns that an increase in coronavirus c ...
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