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Candace Owens on george floyd-2 (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Jun 7 2020 04:27PM
let's see very cute, touching news clips of "----------- changed the world"...plastered all over the TV and print not one funeral, but multiple celebrations with celebs...Sharpton giving the eulogies, Biden to meet with family Monday and have ...
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Candace Owens on george floyd (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Jun 6 2020 09:25PM
she is looking pretty hot here :) Candace Owens: "I DO NOT support George Floyd!" & Here's Why! michael jordan needs to stick a portion of that 100m with someone like her
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Protests (relevance: 3)
by Mr.Horndog on Jun 6 2020 08:56PM
Officers are likely being paid overtime on top of their regular salaries. I wonder how much this will costs taxpayers. Maybe some of these police should stop whacking people with batons and shooting rubber bullets towards their faces. That would p ...
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BIG UPs to the HuMAN Race.... (relevance: 3)
by FATFUKK on Jun 6 2020 12:25PM
I have to say ... the outpouring of support for the 'movement' in response to the unjust killings and savagery applied by LE and others, is pretty moving!! I'd like to hear from open minded, reasonable people. However, those people that oppose BLM, ...
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Is Social Distancing and the Mask now bankrupt? (relevance: 3)
by GoBallsDeep on Jun 6 2020 11:57AM
In light of the OK to protest en masse with no social distancing and with or without a mask....... Can we now say fuck it? Apparently, BLM is important enough but nothing else is? Just wondering where we stand
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For all you hypocritical mother fuckers (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Jun 4 2020 01:27PM
For all of you holier-than-thou religious nut jobs who are not getting it. Imagine you were in the crowd and saw law enforcement apply lethal force to a person. “But he’s a criminal!” You would say. Imagine that the guardians of the comm ...
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Just watched Trump (relevance: 3)
by KaiserSoce on Jun 1 2020 04:17PM
Is it me... or is he and his hair less orange? 🍊
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US to designate Antifa as a terrorist organization (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on May 31 2020 11:00AM
Trump announces US to designate Antifa as terrorist organization following violent protests things are so bad with the riots, with china...trump isn't pussy footin around anymore...shit is going to be hitting the fan...see if he does this for th ...
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Daddy Trump signs Trump signs order that could punish social medi (relevance: 3)
by Bumper_jack on May 28 2020 04:33PM
What are we gonna do ?
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OMG Trump went (relevance: 3)
by hoppi on May 26 2020 04:07PM
Golfing, over a holiday weekend, WTF, hang him by his golf balls. Wait, what, he has played golf 265 times since he was elected? That's about a round per week, good for him, people need exercise. Golf is necessary for me to keep my sanity. All wo ...
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