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How long is all this Corona Virus stuff going to last? (2) (relevance: 3)
by DudeLebowski on Mar 16 2020 01:57PM
"Stocks crash as Trump says new normal could last months" Trump final confronts the reality of the crisis. Says this could last till July or Aug. Gov't says to limit gathering to (10) people or less. (How do we shop for food? Theres more than ...
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The HX Credit Card (relevance: 3)
by GinaGalaxy on Mar 4 2020 02:55AM
Imagine! A HX Credit card! WOULD you apply? If it came with a loyalty reward program? Lol Wal-Mart, Macy's, Chevron, Delta have their own line. What if a site like this did too? Only.... - - - IN a galaxy far far far away..
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Biden (relevance: 3)
by mbc2000 on Mar 3 2020 09:25PM
This is amazing. He's winning in states he didn't spend any money or any kind of operation. I waited till noon today to vote. I really liked mayor pete. He may be the future of the party. I thought sanders had young minority vote but couldn't get ol ...
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Conservatives can relax (relevance: 3)
by bangkoklvr on Dec 12 2019 01:03AM
Even though Comrade Trump will be impeached next week, there is nothing to worry about. The rich, will not pay any taxes this or next year. They will not pay one cent. See: Your dreams have b ...
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The Craziest thing happened in the Post Office earlier today. (relevance: 3)
by DudeLebowski on Sep 5 2019 12:05AM
So I was in Hollywood and was trying to mail a letter. I stopped at the post office there some place I've never been and wanted to get some stamps. Im standing in a good size line that takes forever. Im looking right ahead of me and there is this Ind ...
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Is Tijuana Safe? (relevance: 3)
by str8 on Mar 9 2019 09:58AM
Haven't been in a while and was curious if it's safe for tourists.
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You're a daisy if you do (relevance: 3)
by DelilahRose on Apr 23 2017 01:56PM
What's some of your favorite movie quotes? Here's some of mine: " Call me Francis I kill Ya" " If you ain't first you're last" "I'm your huckleberry, that's just my game". "You tell em I'm comin and hell's comin with me!". "Why do I ...
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