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Why Putin won’t save the West (relevance: 3)
by witler5 on Apr 23 2022 11:10PM

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this AIN'T what putin wanted (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Apr 14 2022 11:59AM
countries channel UKR fight and pride Guns, bomb shelters, and anti-radiation meds: More people in Finland prepare for war with Russia Since war broke out in Europe, thousands of Finns have signed up with training associations to sharpen th ...
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NR, Cali comes in at #47. A Final Report Card on the States Response to COVID-19 (relevance: 3)
by GoBallsDeep on Apr 12 2022 10:17PM
Born and raised here, never leaving, love the place But some of you are fucking this place up And you know who you are
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Hunter biden and the Ney York Time or the Wall Street Journal (relevance: 3)
by Grumpy_Butthead on Mar 21 2022 01:59PM
We’ll never know what effect the “October Surprise” of 2020, the New York Post’s reporting of the discovery of a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden containing all sorts of embarrassing emails, might have had on the election that year if it had ...
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COVID vaccine side effects and papers release. DID YOU TAKE POISON? (relevance: 3)
by Normal_Guy on Mar 7 2022 09:46AM
Well well well....... Looks like they had to release the pfizer data for the COVID vaccine. SKIP TO PAGE 30 ALL YOU SHEEP PEOPLE, LOL T ...
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Ukrainian Refugees we need em (relevance: 3)
by big1234 on Mar 5 2022 03:02PM
I personally can’t wait for the good ole US of A to receive our share of the Ukrainian Refugees. The vast majority are women. Hopefully they all come to Cali and flood HX. Calibrating this market.
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The highly trained Ukraine Army on full display. (relevance: 3)
by Normal_Guy on Feb 27 2022 04:43AM
So for all of you who think you been watching real footage of war, and you acutally be watching footage of a video game. Here footage of the "BRAVE AND HIGHLY TRAINED" Ukraine army men. ...
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Ukranian Heroes: "Russian warship: Go F yourself" (relevance: 3)
by billinirvine on Feb 25 2022 06:06PM
I'm doing a shot of Stoli, in honor of these dudes, tonight
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How Dose It Feel ? (relevance: 3)
by mbc2000 on Jan 28 2022 05:51PM
Joe Biden is doing his job. He's our POTUS. I know why President Biden called his shot. He said a black woman is going to be nominated to the SCOTUS. The highest court in the land. My question to my fellow citizens. How dose ...
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Ted Cruz and the Truth (relevance: 3)
by jimbo0618 on Jan 7 2022 08:08PM
Wow, finally a Trump-butt licking Senator who told the truth about the violent insurrection on January 6th that so many of them have downplayed over the last year! Wait, what he is backtracking on his comments after No-Chin Tucker Carlson called him ...
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