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Ivermectin (relevance: 3)
by PSHorneycouple on Jul 21 2021 12:56PM
Do you believe the hype? Have you read any reputable studies? Ive heard that it's being used as a prevention method. Hope to hear something constructive. Not the "just take the vaccine" typical responses.
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Should you check vax first? (relevance: 3)
by Wilzediam on Jul 16 2021 11:22PM
I'm double vaxed, so little worries for me. But while I respect freedom, individual decisions, etc., why should I give a shit about those that don't get their (easily available) vax? I wear a mask now in public places in deference to those dipshi ...
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Excellent essay on what's wrong with the modern left by a classic liberal (relevance: 3)
by Night-Rider on Jul 16 2021 07:20PM
This latest essay by Andrew Sullivan I think is a first-rate critique on the modern left, which no longer seems to support classic liberalism. It really resonated with me. I know there is a lot of criticism here of the modern left, so I wanted ...
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Laptop (relevance: 3)
by DahliaLove on Jul 5 2021 02:16PM
Alright you tech brainiacs!!! I would love some suggestions, I am buying a new laptop.. AGAIN! It seems like every two years maybe three, mine takes a dive. I use it mainly for work presentations, work meetings and inventory.. things of that nature. ...
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Best colored eyes (relevance: 3)
by TheAlterEgo on Jul 2 2021 04:02PM
Who got em? Name drop I nominate Perfect Circle’s
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ladies and rating the gentleman (relevance: 3)
by ArabianQueen on Jun 23 2021 08:46AM
please dont abuse the rating system ladies, when it comes to a rude person just move on or block. i have come across many people getting a red rating due to petty reasons. please consider others time and treat others how you would like. Also gen ...
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Shall not be infringed - under no pretext (relevance: 3)
by Kayman on Jun 4 2021 09:14PM
CA assault weapons ban overturned Thank you judge Benitez! Gonna be a great 4th :)
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Civil Rights Lawyer Explains Options For Employees Who Are Being Forced To Take Vaccine (relevance: 3)
by AFMadness on May 22 2021 12:16PM
Give this letter to your employer. It's not legal advice and has no copy right provision. Also it may take 3 to 5 years before any side affects may appear. From Viva Barnes law firm; As follows... .
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How to stop these haters (relevance: 3)
by Katiesweetwater on Apr 29 2021 07:02PM
I hate that people will be all mad at u in the real they act like little bitches, and try to fuck around with it business. How do u handle someone fucking with ur reputation on here???
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Electric vehicles? (relevance: 3)
by lamar on Apr 26 2021 08:18PM
Who own an electric vehicle? How satisfied are you with your recharging time and driving range between recharging? To me the automobile manufacturer still have a ways to go to get me intrested. Other states may soon follow the lead of California a ...
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