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Tell me what kind of music you like and I'll tell you whether it sucks or not... PART 3 (relevance: 3)
by juliuscaesar1 on Jul 29 2020 08:20PM
No Hip Hop, Kaiser's a Soft Rocker, and GBD's fluffing the Drummer.
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The fear pandemic gone viral (relevance: 3)
by loyalkitten2 on Apr 13 2020 09:54PM
Just my thoughts maybe the fear of the virus is what is spreading at a pandemic rate. If we give power to that fear, it will cripple this nation in every way, Not just economically but socially, politically, and structurally. When that happens we ...
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This is what gross incompetence looks like (relevance: 3)
by Harpooner on Mar 13 2020 06:30AM
These are exact quotes from the guy in charge. God help us. Spoken by the Real Donald Trump: January 22: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.” February 2: “We pre ...
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Tax Season - Are You On The Plus or Minus? (relevance: 3)
by GinaGalaxy on Feb 19 2020 12:09AM
Here is where you can complain about uncle Sam. And the State of California! Who's getting $ back Who's getting reemed? This year I'm good. Last year I got reemed 5k. :)
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Trump is GUILTY but Republicans don't care. (relevance: 3)
by DudeLebowski on Jan 31 2020 02:59PM
Senator Lamar Alexander said "I worked with other senators to make sure that we have the right to ask for more documents and witnesses, but there is no need for more evidence to prove something that has already been proven and that does not meet the ...
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BOLTON goes for the juggular (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Jan 26 2020 09:04PM
Breaking News: President Trump said he wanted to keep aid to Ukraine frozen until its officials helped him with investigations into Democrats, John Bolton wrote in an unpublished manuscript of a new book. He’s got Trump by the BALLS! Notes, audi ...
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Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman (relevance: 3)
by Harpooner on Oct 29 2019 10:49PM
Y’all gonna claim he is some partisan hack? The guy is a true patriot. His service, character, record, and history are all unimpeachable (pun intended). Now Trump’s goons are smearing him and it is shameful. If you trust Trump over this guy, well ...
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Trump is having ZERO effect on your lives (relevance: 3)
by Himes_Soul on Mar 21 2019 03:02PM
You're welcome
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Mexican President tells Tramp to fuck off (relevance: 3)
by teeitup on May 30 2018 08:34AM a diplomatic way.
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Hell's Bell's Palsy (relevance: 3)
by dblednmike on Sep 18 2017 02:29PM
Sucks!!!! Hit me on Friday for the first time in my life. It's weird not being able to control parts of your face. I feel like I have the local the dentist uses wearing off.
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