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OK I give (relevance: 3)
by SeymourButz on Sep 12 2023 03:12PM
I decided, it's time to pop my cherry and.get laid. So many of you call me a non pussy gettin no account minimum wage scrub. But who? Any suggestions? I'm horny as fuck. I still have my last week's paycheck. No bills to pay. So why not cash it an ...
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HX libtards dumber than your average libtard - Part 2 (relevance: 3)
by Rrod111401 on Sep 11 2023 04:28PM
@TTurd Quote from your own article posting “As to why they weren't drilling more, oil executives blamed Wall Street. Nearly 60% cited "investor pressure to maintain capital discipline" as the primary reason oil companies weren't drilling more ...
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FBI Utah Shooting (relevance: 3)
by TomTraubert on Sep 8 2023 02:09PM
Anyone else think it’s weird that we are closing in on a full month after the FBI executed a 75 year old man in his home for what he said on Facebook and there have been no details or news stories since August 10?
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Danny Masterson (relevance: 3)
by SeymourButz on Sep 7 2023 04:09PM
Got served 30 yrs. Don't say why for TOS. But is anyone going to say if he was black, he would got the chair?
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Universal Basic Income (relevance: 3)
by catotheyounger on Aug 31 2023 11:44PM
What do you guys think about a privately funded UBI for society? My next career is in financial sciences starting this year. I already have ~87 plausible solutions. How do you think a stipend of $500.00 Every month would change our society. *Ps: ...
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Put McConnell and Feinstein (relevance: 3)
by SeymourButz on Aug 31 2023 08:42AM
In a wheelchair and roll both those fucking dinosaurs off of a cliff. Fucking die already!
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Don't travel to Maui or Pacific Islands (relevance: 3)
by Thrilla619 on Aug 13 2023 11:19AM
Show some respect. My people are devestated. So please stay away. My cousin lost his home in the fires. No cause for the fire has been determined, but experts said one possibility was that active power lines that fell in high winds ignited ...
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Who would you pick . . . (relevance: 3)
by Marrisa_G on Aug 2 2023 05:10PM
. . . for president if neither DJT or Biden were running in 2024? See if you can articulate your thoughts without even mentioning either one of the above! I am a hard-core life-long Republican (now an Indie) and registered voter in Florida, but ...
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Finally. Jan 6th arrest for Trump (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Jul 18 2023 10:20AM
Pay back is a nasty cold bitch. Trump himself has announced he received a letter stating that he will be arrested for Jan 6th crimes.
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Creampies (relevance: 3)
by Eulogy on Jul 11 2023 04:02PM
Chocolate Banana Coconut Lemon Boston Lemon Pumpkin Key Lime Someone on here use to make some bad ass cream puffs and would use them to over power women's sense of sensibility
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