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You cant this shit up... Really? (relevance: 3)
by jackrabbit33 on Mar 14 2021 07:22PM
Trump is ridiculed because he asked for $5B to build a wall but Congress spends $1.9T for "COVID relief". Tr After Biden signs executive orders nullifying "zero-tolerance" anti-immigration policies (allowing people to reside in Mexico durin amnes ...
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Trump gets ready for more butt hurt (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Feb 22 2021 10:34AM
The Supreme Court has said NY can access Trump’s tax returns.
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We lost another one (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Feb 8 2021 10:51AM
Bye Rep. Ron White (R). Texas lost another son.
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pelosi and the dems always FORGET their is tape/history (relevance: 3)
by InsearchofStarfish on Jan 27 2021 05:15PM
just one of the many many things that divide the country SHORT MEMORY? Nancy Pelosi slammed as a hypocrite for praising storming of Wisconsin State Capitol in 2011
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2nd Impeachment of Donald Trump begins (relevance: 3)
by sherkahn on Jan 25 2021 04:18PM
Conan, what is best in life? " crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their Trumptard bitches...!"
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California Governor Gavin Newsom expected to lift strict stay-at-home orders, sources say (relevance: 3)
by Night-Rider on Jan 25 2021 12:17AM
"Gov. Gavin Newsom is expected to lift California's strict stay-at-home orders he imposed on much of the state in December. In a letter to restaurant owners, the California Restaurant Association says sources tell them that officials with Gov. New ...
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What the fuck are you misfits going to do (relevance: 3)
by Himes_Soul on Jan 19 2021 10:59PM
after tomorrow?
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Possible misstep going after trump in impeachment. (relevance: 3)
by remo_williams on Jan 19 2021 08:23PM
Everyone has heard the phrase, The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Who would Dems rather see suffer - one man, or the entire republican party? I'm would think it's the republicans as a whole, not just one man. If Nancy P & the Dems reall ...
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Democrats Will Take Both GA Senate Seats; Trump's Tantrums Suppressed Republican Turnout (relevance: 3)
by SonOfAdams on Jan 5 2021 11:31PM
Warnock has been declared the winner over Kelly Loeffler in one of the two Georgia Senate races & Ossoff has now overtaken Perdue. Still to be counted: Votes in the heavily Democratic county, which will put both even more over the top. We'll have ...
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Melanie Trump Breast Implants (relevance: 3)
by Harpooner on Dec 8 2020 06:31PM
If you Google Melania Trump tits you will find some topless and nude photos of her. Look at pictures of her today and her tits are way bigger. I remember she was in the hospital a year or two ago. Is that when she got her breast implants? Or are her ...
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