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Level 4 Male

 64 yrs old
Coastal, LA, CA
Registered Dec 17 2011
Released Dec 17 2011

84 blogs/2284 comments
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2wheel's Blog Blogs about 2wheel 76 people have subscriptions!

Last updated profile on Jun 29 2024 09:01PM
Useless Daily Update!
NEVER hesitate to ask me to pm you before setting a meeting --I have Mail til 2059- doubt I'll still be hobbying then, but....
PS: if someone doesn't have the few dollars that it costs to have mail privileges, how good of a client could they ever become?
I'd Like to Meet
Gals who are:
Casual, but enthusiastic !
Comfortable without makeup, and who enjoy being frank.
Intellect is terrific, but heart is invaluable.
I'm Unique Because...
We are all terminally unique, when we're not too busy trying to be someone else.
INFP-T Well, THIS month, anyway
Dad, Mdme Curie, Sir Harry Ricardo, Dimitri Mendeleev, any Wartime Nurse who's anywhere near the lines, & The regular guys & gals who helped people out of the WorldTrade center instead of climbing over them, and never asked for a damned parade-
I Have a Dream
That we can be fiercely independent, yet still supportive and sympathetic. I don't believe these attributes are exclusive.
What Makes Me Laugh
A MOTORCYCLE is a bicycle with a pandemonium attachment, and is designed for the special use of mechanical geniuses, daredevils and lunatics. The motorcycle is equipped with a motor small enough to be put in a large pocket and loud enough to fill a coliseum comfortably. This motor is connected with the rear wheels of the bicycle, and when it is in the mood will revolve the wheel with tremendous speed, thus causing the bicycle to proceed from hither and yon over buggies, pedestrians, fences and small outbuildings.