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Level 5 Male

 54 yrs old
Fullerton, OC, CA
Registered Feb 5 2006
Released Sep 30 2012

3 blogs/5 comments
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CalCPA69's Blog Blogs about CalCPA69 17 people have subscriptions!

Last updated profile on Mar 17 2024 12:48AM
I'm Unique Because...
I am.

Also, I did accomplished the HX Trifecta and now I have accomplished the Superfecta - PK/IHT (6), PK/Nila, PK/Tab (2), and now PK/NN.

Life is great.
My Parents. Both taken to soon.
What Makes Me Laugh
A lot of people on this site. Men who have quite figure out what being an adult means... Reading what some people write makes me worried about the future of the USA and if most understand the concept of being an adult.
Favorite Things
M&Ms... Peanut M&Ms... Plain M&Ms... M&M cookies from a certain bakery in Torrance (No, I don't drive there to get them. A certain person use to pick them up for me out of the kindness of her heart).

My favorite thing... The custom M&Ms that I have with an awesome person's face on them. It would have been funny if she was able to put a picture of her boobs on them. I guess M&Ms draws the line at boobs. Whatever, Mars Incorporated! You cause diabetes in millions of people, but you draw the line with boobs.

The best BBQ Sauce.
I'd Like to Meet
There are a few people I would like to meet... but most of people just need the sh*t smacked out of them.
I Have a Dream
Idiots in this country stop believing everything the media tells them and people understand that ALL politicians are full of sh*t!
Useless Daily Update!
It is not what you do in your life while you are alive, it is how others will remember you that matters most. The saddest part about living is most people wait until you are gone to say all the good things about you, but never tell you while you are alive. It easy to care about someone once they are gone, the hardest part is showing you care when they are still here.

"A wise man once said... NOTHING. He let her vent and then they had *** afterwards" (Sorry I had to edit the three letter word)

"Be careful who you trust, the Devil was once an angel."

"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the World he didn't exist."